Sands Item in Relativity | World Anvil


The main form of currency on Bo Kae from 1500 (Empire Calendar) onwards is called "sands". The sand is worth twenty quorz, which is worth twenty Fars.   The name originates from the fact that, in the early days of the planet's occupation, the coins were made out of glass, created from Bo Kae's sandy terrain. Sands, quors and fars were one of many different currencies on Bo Kae until the rise of the Anttanican Empire, at which point it replaced the currencies within the Empire and therefore became the most widely-used currency on the planet. The name sands remained, though by then the coins were fashioned out of metal, and the electrical monetary system was well-established. Although it is not the official Bo Kae currency, it is often considered so by outsiders for interplanetary transactions.   By the year 3106, the sand coin was replaced with the sand note, which like 5 and 10-sand notes is made from a pliable, durable paper. Electronical transactions is now the main form of transaction, but cash is still accepted almost everywhere.
Item type
Currency & Deeds

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