Juranglish Language in Relativity | World Anvil


Juranglish is a language that was first spoken by the Jurassic Time Displaced, and after their descendants moved to Zeala-Obon, became one of New Zealandia's official languages. Its early form was an incomplete constructed auxiliary language designed to overcome communication barriers between the time displaced group, based on 4K English and Latin, and incorporating Gaelic, Greek and Icelandic.   Early Juranglish functioned alongside early Marandi and Zealandian Sign Language, both of which had been created for the same purpose, to aide communication in the group. Both Juranglish and Marandi naturally evolved into complete languages over time. New vocabulary was a mix of neologisms, and loanwords from their parent languages and occasionally other languages spoken in the community. Juranglish began to bleed into 4K English, and by the time the early New Zealandian society had settled on Zeala-Obon, had almost completely replaced it.


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