Starshade Powder Item in Redspinet | World Anvil
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Starshade Powder

Description: Starshade Powder is a finely ground concoction derived from luminescent herbs found in the depths of Obrura's enchanted forests. When ingested or mixed with a beverage, it imparts a subtle glow to the user, creating an ethereal and captivating appearance. Often used for social events, this magical powder enhances one's presence with a gentle radiance, making them the center of attention.   Mechanics:   Duration: 1 hour Effects: Provides dim light in a 5-foot radius around the user. Advantage on Charisma-based skill checks. Grants advantage on performance checks and saves against being frightened. Side Effects (Roll 1d6 at the end of the duration): 1-2: Mild drowsiness – Disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws for 1 hour. 3-4: Luminescent afterglow – Faint glow persists for 1 hour, making stealth impossible. 5-6: Enhanced sensory perception – Disadvantage on Wisdom-based perception checks for 1 hour. Price: A vial of Starshade Powder is considered a luxury item and can fetch around 50 gold pieces due to its unique and captivating effect.   Side Effects: While Starshade Powder is generally safe for use, some individuals with sensitive skin may experience minor irritation. Prolonged use without proper intervals can lead to temporary skin discoloration.   Addiction Symptoms: Starshade Powder is not known to be addictive, and users do not typically develop dependencies on it.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The luminescent effect of Starshade Powder is achieved through a careful blending of rare herbs with natural phosphorescent properties. These herbs interact with the user's skin, creating a gentle glow.

Manufacturing process

Harvest and dry Luminara Petals and Moonbeam Fern. Combine the dried petals and fern with Stardust Lily Extract and Aether Dust. Use a specialized grinding technique to create a fine powder. Infuse the powder with a binding agent to ensure a smooth application. Package the Starshade Powder in elegant containers for distribution.


Starshade Powder has been a favorite among the elite and those attending special events for its ability to enhance one's appearance in low-light settings. It gained popularity in aristocratic circles.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Considered rare, the herbs required for Starshade Powder are not easily found, and the preparation process involves skilled craftsmanship.
Raw materials & Components
Luminara Petals Moonbeam Fern Stardust Lily Extract Aether Dust

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Cover image: Ghost of the Net by


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