Shadowshade Powder Item in Redspinet | World Anvil
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Shadowshade Powder

Description: Shadowshade Powder is derived from the petals of a rare nocturnal flower that blooms only under the light of the full moon. When smoked or ingested, it induces vivid hallucinations and altered perceptions of reality. Users often report experiencing visions of shadowy figures and mysterious landscapes.   Mechanics:   Duration: 1 hour Effects: Induces hallucinations, causing creatures and objects to appear distorted or take on surreal forms. Advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks, as users may display heightened creativity during hallucinations. Disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws to discern reality from hallucinations. Side Effects (Roll 1d4 at the end of the duration): 1: Lingering Shadows – User experiences mild visual distortions for 1 hour. 2: Echoes of the Unseen – Faint whispers and distant shadows cause disadvantage on Perception checks for 1 hour. 3: Disoriented Reality – User has disadvantage on Intelligence-based skill checks for 1 hour. 4: Unsettling Paranoia – Brief bouts of paranoia impose disadvantage on Charisma-based skill checks for 1 hour.   Price: Shadowshade Powder is priced at 50 gold pieces per dose.   Legality: The sale and possession of Shadowshade Powder are strictly prohibited in many regions due to its potent hallucinogenic properties. Its use is associated with unpredictable behavior and poses risks to both the user and those around them.   Side Effects: Users commonly experience intense visual and auditory hallucinations, altered sense of time, and distorted perceptions of reality. Prolonged use may lead to paranoia and anxiety.   Addiction Symptoms: While Shadowshade Powder is not considered physically addictive, frequent users may develop a psychological dependence, craving the intense sensory experiences it provides.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The hallucinogenic effects of Shadowshade Powder are attributed to compounds present in the flower's petals that interact with neural receptors, inducing vivid and immersive hallucinations.

Manufacturing process

Harvest petals from Nocturnal Shadowflowers exclusively under the light of the full moon. Extract Lunar Nectar from the harvested petals. Combine Lunar Nectar with Essence of Nightshade, a rare nocturnal plant with hallucinogenic properties. Allow the mixture to undergo a precise fermentation process. Dry and finely grind the resulting substance to create Shadowshade Powder. Package the powder securely to prevent deterioration and maintain its potency.


The discovery of Shadowshade Powder is often attributed to an eccentric alchemist who stumbled upon the hallucinogenic properties of the nocturnal flower. Initially used in mystical rituals, its popularity grew among those seeking altered states of consciousness.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Shadowshade Powder is relatively rare, as it relies on the nocturnal blooming of a specific flower. Its production is limited, contributing to its scarcity.
Raw materials & Components
Nocturnal Shadowflower Petals Lunar Nectar Extract Essence of Nightshade

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