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Ironheart Brew

Type: Physical Enhancer Description: Ironheart Brew is a popular tonic brewed from a blend of herbs and minerals found in the rugged mountainous regions of Crasotis. When imbibed, it fortifies the user's physical endurance and resilience, granting them temporary immunity to fatigue and injury. However, prolonged use can lead to dependency and adverse health effects on the cardiovascular system.   Mechanics:   Duration: 1 hour Effects: Temporary hit points equal to the user's Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). Immunity to exhaustion. Advantage on Constitution saving throws against physical fatigue. Side Effects (Roll 1d4 at the end of the duration): 1: Cardiovascular Strain – User gains one level of exhaustion due to the tonic's strain on the heart. 2: Diminished Reflexes – Dexterity-based saving throws are made with disadvantage for 1 hour. 3: Fatigue Rebound – User gains one level of exhaustion once the brew's effects wear off. 4: Nausea and Dizziness – Disadvantage on all ability checks for 1 hour. Price: Ironheart Brew is a moderately priced tonic, available for 30 gold pieces per dose in reputable herbalist shops.   Legality: The sale and possession of Ironheart Brew are legal in most regions, as it is often used for legitimate medicinal purposes.   Long-Term Side Effects: Cardiovascular Degradation: Prolonged use may lead to cardiovascular issues, including increased risk of heart disease and hypertension. Dependency: Regular users may develop a reliance on Ironheart Brew, experiencing a diminished ability to endure physical challenges without it. Tolerance: Over time, users may build a tolerance to the brew, requiring higher doses for the same effects and increasing the risk of side effects. Withdrawal: Abrupt cessation can result in withdrawal symptoms, including fatigue, irritability, and a temporary decrease in physical performance.   Addiction Symptoms: While not highly addictive, prolonged and frequent use can lead to physical dependency, making users reliant on its effects.

Manufacturing process

Harvest Crasotian Mountain Herbs during specific seasons when their medicinal properties are potent. Extract iron-rich minerals from designated rock formations known for their purity. Brew a concoction using the herbs, minerals, and purified spring water in precise proportions. Subject the mixture to a controlled fermentation process, enhancing its physical-enhancing properties. Filter and refine the brew to remove impurities. Bottle the Ironheart Brew in sealed containers for distribution in herbalist shops and apothecaries.


Ironheart Brew has its roots in Crasotian traditional medicine, where mountain-dwelling communities used the tonic to endure harsh climates and physical exertion.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
The unique combination of herbs and minerals makes Ironheart Brew relatively rare, and it is primarily sourced from the mountainous regions of Crasotis.
Raw materials & Components
Crasotian Mountain Herbs (A blend of resilient herbs found in mountainous regions) Iron-rich Minerals (Extracted from specific rock formations) Purified Spring Water (Collected from pristine mountain springs)

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