Frostroot Extract Item in Redspinet | World Anvil
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Frostroot Extract

Description: Frostroot Extract is a herbal concoction known for its ability to produce a cooling sensation and mental clarity. Derived from the resilient Frostroot plant found in frosty climates, the extract has become popular in hot regions and among individuals seeking relief from mental fatigue.   Mechanics:   Duration: 1 hour Effects: Grants advantage on saving throws against heat-based effects. Provides resistance to fire damage. Mental Clarity – Advantage on Intelligence-based skill checks for the duration. Side Effects (Roll 1d4 at the end of the duration): 1: Chilled Sensation – User gains vulnerability to cold damage for 1 hour. 2: Numbing Effect – Disadvantage on Dexterity-based skill checks for 1 hour. 3: Frosty Breath – User exhales a chilling mist with each breath for 1 hour. 4: Brief Confusion – User experiences a momentary mental fog, causing disadvantage on Wisdom-based skill checks for 10 minutes. Price: Frostroot Extract is moderately priced at 30 gold pieces per dose.   Legality: The sale and distribution of Frostroot Extract are generally accepted in regions where cooling agents are sought after for relief from heat.   Addiction Symptoms: While not inherently addictive, prolonged and frequent use may lead to a mild dependence on the refreshing effects of Frostroot Extract.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The cooling sensation and mental clarity induced by Frostroot Extract are attributed to the unique combination of herbs in the blend, which interact with the body's sensory receptors.

Manufacturing process

Harvest and dry Frostroot Herb. Combine Frostroot Herb with Wintermint Leaves and Glacial Fern Extract. Apply a specialized infusion process to ensure the preservation of cooling properties. Filter and distill the mixture to create the concentrated Frostroot Extract. Package the extract in airtight containers to maintain freshness.


This herbal blend has been used for generations in regions with harsh climates to provide relief from heat and stress. It gained popularity among adventurers and those living in hot environments.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Considered moderately rare, Frostroot is often found in colder climates, and its extraction requires a delicate process to preserve its beneficial properties.
Raw materials & Components
Frostroot Herb Wintermint Leaves Glacial Fern Extract

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