Dreamfrost Serum Item in Redspinet | World Anvil
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Dreamfrost Serum

Dreamfrost Serum is a potent sedative concocted from the sap of a rare frostbloom tree that thrives in the frigid tundras of the northern regions. When injected, it induces a deep and restful slumber, allowing users to experience vivid and lucid dreams. However, prolonged use can lead to addiction and withdrawal symptoms, including insomnia and hallucinations. Mechanics:   Duration: 8 hours Effects: User gains the benefits of a long rest in half the time. Advantage on saving throws against sleep-related magical effects. Upon waking, user can choose to remember and analyze their dreams, gaining insights. Side Effects (Roll 1d4 at the end of the duration): 1: Insomniac Rebound – User gains one level of exhaustion due to disrupted sleep patterns. 2: Hallucinatory Aftereffects – User experiences brief hallucinations for 1 hour after waking. 3: Dreamer's Fog – Disadvantage on Intelligence-based ability checks for 1 hour. 4: Memory Fragmentation – Difficulty recalling specific details from the dream. Price: Dreamfrost Serum is a rare and valuable substance, priced at 100 gold pieces per vial in specialized apothecaries.   Legality: The sale and possession of Dreamfrost Serum are strictly regulated in many regions due to its potential for misuse.   Long-Term Side Effects: Insomnia: Prolonged use may result in difficulty falling asleep without the serum. Hallucinations: Users may experience intermittent hallucinations even when not under the serum's influence. Reduced Cognitive Function: Extended usage might lead to a gradual decline in cognitive abilities, particularly memory and concentration. Dependency: Regular users may develop a psychological dependence on Dreamfrost Serum to achieve restful sleep.   Addiction Symptoms: Regular use may lead to a psychological dependency on the sedative effects, and users may find it challenging to sleep without it.

Manufacturing process

Harvest frostbloom tree sap during the tree's dormant phase to ensure potency. Combine the sap with moonwater essence collected during specific lunar phases. Infuse the mixture with cryoherb extract to enhance the sedative properties. Subject the concoction to a controlled chilling process to reach the desired consistency. Filter and purify the serum to remove impurities. Bottle the Dreamfrost Serum in specialized vials, ensuring airtight seals for preservation.


The serum's origins trace back to ancient rituals practiced by northern tribes, who believed it allowed communion with dream spirits.
The frostbloom tree is rare and challenging to cultivate, making Dreamfrost Serum a scarce commodity.
Raw materials & Components
Frostbloom Tree Sap (Extracted from the sap of the rare frostbloom tree) Moonwater Essence (Collected during specific lunar phases) Cryoherb Extract (Harvested from tundra herbs with cryogenic properties)

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