Dark Elf Species in Redspinet | World Anvil
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Dark Elf

Appearance: Drow have dark blue to black skin, white or silver hair, and typically crimson or red eyes. Their appearance distinguishes them from other elves. Subterranean Dwellers: Drow primarily inhabit the Underdark, a vast network of subterranean caverns and tunnels beneath the surface of the world. Society: Drow society is matriarchal, led by powerful priestesses and matrons. It is often characterized by political intrigue, power struggles, and worship of the dark goddess Lolth, the Spider Queen. Sunlight Sensitivity: Drow are sensitive to sunlight due to their subterranean lifestyle. Exposure to sunlight imposes disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks. Elven Traits: Like other elves, drow are agile and intelligent. They have keen senses, including darkvision, which allows them to see in darkness. They are also proficient with a variety of weapons and have a natural resistance to being charmed. Drow Magic: Drow possess innate magical abilities, including the ability to cast the "dancing lights," "faerie fire," and "darkness" spells. Weapon Proficiency: Drow are skilled with rapiers, shortswords, and hand crossbows. Drow are a complex and often misunderstood race in the D&D universe, known for their enigmatic society, unique magical abilities, and their dark, subterranean homes in the treacherous Underdark.

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Cover image: Ghost of the Net by


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