Galactic Defence Initiative Organization in Reborn Stars | World Anvil
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Galactic Defence Initiative

The Galactic Defense Initiative is a NATO-like military alliance composed of 16 star nations. It is mainly active in the galactic region known as the D'dodorassi Stream, and is considered a major power in galactic politics.


The GDI structure consists of four main bodies:   The Assembly of Nations (AoN) is officially the main body of the organisation. The Assembly consists of representatives from every GDI member-nation. Every member gets one vote. The Assembly's main responsibilities are setting the GDI budget, reviewing any possible new members, creating GDI-wide laws, convening on economic issues, and reviewing CIC proposals.   The Chief Initiative Command (CIC) is consists of some of the highest military officers within the Initiative. Every member sends 'Initiative Consuls' to represent them in the CIC. The more military strength a member has, the more Consuls they may send. The Command is responsible for overseeing the fight against piracy and terrorism in GDI territory, evaluating member-militaries, and deciding strategy. Additionally the CIC is the primary decider for what nations get Readiness Fund aid.   The Grand Council of Defence is similar to the UN Security Council. It consists of 4 permanent members: the Commonwealth of Stars (CoS), Blessed Federation of the Hronosigallrah's Children (BFHC), the Vanguard of Zrass (VoZ) and the Kingdom of Krah'Nroahk (KoK), the most powerful nations within the GDI. The Council can veto any AoN or CIC decision and a percentage of the GDI budget is under their direct control. It is essentially a tool to ensure the supremacy of the 4 big powers in GDI politics. There's also one temporary Council position, which rotates through the other GDI member-nations as a tie-breaker.   The Director of Galactic Defence is the official head of the GDI. They oversee the Assembly and CIC and are responsible for most of the sub-organisations within the GDI, though that is usually left to subordinates. The Director is elected by the AoN and CIC on a 7-year mandate and there's a rotation to what nation is allowed to supply candidates for the Directorcy, ensuring that every member gets a chance to have a Director 'representing them'.   There are also a few sub-organisations with various specific goals. The most important of these are: the Readiness Fund, a fund to aid developing members to ensure their military readiness as well as members going through economic crisis, the Institute for Galactic Law, responsible for settling member disputes and for enforcing GDI laws and finally, the International Defence Corps which are military corps consisting of volunteers recruited from the member-nations, who mostly exist to encourage military cooperation.   Finally, there are also the member-nations themselves. Members can have governments that very wildly. The only common denominator is an adherence to the ideology of Ashrollism. The CoS and BFHC are the main powers within the GDI, with both being military and economic titans. The CoS, as the founder of Ashrollism, is the main ideological influence but the BFHC is the main cultural centre of the GDI. Members must pay some taxes to the GDI and they must spend at least 15% of their budget on the military or other fields important to prolonged warfare (such as R&D or agriculture).   The headquarters of the GDI is located on a space-fortress known as the Monolith. This station is about the size of a city, has its own Assembly-appointed civilian government and hosts all GDI bureaucracy.

Public Agenda

The GDI's official goal is to spread the ideology of Ashrollism at all costs. They wish to oppose regimes and ideologies they see as 'tyrannical', notably Qvadhist nations. Apart from this, the Initiative wishes to protect their members' citizens from opression and danger. The organisation is also in a cold war with the Vorovian Pact.


The GDI collectively has access to one of the largest and most prosperous economic zones in Known Space. The organisation controls thousands of ships and millions of troops. Between the various members, it also controls around 980 star systems. Even then, however, the GDI is often only barely able to match its rivals.



The GDI has its origin in the The Vow/Tw'tyh-Kavalen Treaty, a treaty signed between the CoS and BHFC to protect themselves against the Legion of Zrass. The Legion was an imperialist power, and at the time the largest power in the quadrant. Though they had been stagnating for 2 centuries at that point, they were still a threat to the still ascending powers of the CoS and BHFC. Other nations quickly joined the Treaty for their own protection.   In 64 AI First Contact with the Vorovian Concord, an alliance of two hegemonic nations and a large number of satellite states, was made. This shocked the Treaty members into action, due the fear that Concord would try to conquer the D'dodorassi Stream or spread their fascist ideology there. A great number of new treaties and diplomatic efforts were started to have the CoS and BHFC grow closer together. Especially the Commonwealth-Federation Joint Command served as a proof of concept, due to the Command's success in beating piracy.  

Early History

The GDI was officially founded with the Charter of Ahirn, named after a system within the Tahirian Confederacy. The Confederacy played a major part in the founding of the GDI, due to their political maneuvering for the sake of their own protection. This period of history was largely characterised by a spirit of cooperation and growth. Every Treaty-signatory joined the organisation, as well as some wholly new members. Members were encouraged to set up closer cultural and economic bonds in order to make the GDI the strongest it could be. This would bring great prosperity to the region, but also lead to great economic crises.  

Crisis of the 110's

In 109 AI a combination of a cryptocurrency bubble and bad colonial investments caused a massive economic crisis in the Commonwealth. This crisis spread and merged with other crises all over the GDI to create a single crisis of unseen scale. Entire worlds went into poverty as stock markets collapsed and interstellar trade ceased.   The crisis created an incredible want for reform. In most members this was used with great effect to implement reforms and measures to defeat the crisis. It also led, however, to the founding of Ndajism. Ndajism, named after its founder Ndajr, is a totalitarian ideology based on the idea that the government must lead its citizens to the most 'efficient' ways of life and jobs, forcefully if necessary. Ndajists started out as an innocent political movement, but quickly became a rising threat as more and more Ndajists turned to terrorism and political corruption. The movement got especial support from the military.   Whilst these reforms definitely had effect to stop the crisis, it was only when the Readiness Fund was opened up for use in economic crises that things started truly getting better. The crisis fully came to an end when the Kingdom of Krah'Nroahk joined the GDI, opening up a new market and bringing new businesses into the economy.  


After the Crisis, the Kingdom began pushing to make a preemptive strike towards the Legion. At this point, the GDI had far surpassed the Legion in almost every way, and could easily defeat them. Due to this, GDI agents began making contact with local rebels and revolutionaries to ensure their aid in case of war. In response, the Legion did everything it could to isolate the GDI from the rest of the galaxy, and began sponsoring pirates to raid border regions to humiliate the alliance. This was eventually discovered by the Commonwealth, leading to them issuing an ultimatum. The ultimatum demanded, among other things, that border regions be handed over to GDI control. It was purposefully outrageous to incite war.   The war was swift, only taking 3 years. The CoS, BHC and KoK were the main combatants. It ended with the occupation of the Legion homeworld. After the war, a conference was held to determine what to do with Legion territory. Multiple nations were created alongside a Legion provisional government; some of these would eventually join the GDI.   The war emboldened Ndajist elements, who now felt that GDI military domination was fully possible. They quickly gained more support from the triumphant militaries and gained more influence in government. They decided to form a single block, and made moves towards violent coups.  

Traitor Wars

When corruption scandals and a second economic crisis shocked the GDI, the Ndajists took their chance. The CoS Emperor was assassinated, and the assassination was blamed on a 'conspiracy' within the government to gain support and the wildly unpopular BHFC leader was killed in a military coup. These events shocked the GDI into inaction and allowed more coups to occur. Eventually these coups evolved into a series of civil wars collectively known as the Traitor Wars. The Wars only ended when the Kingdom and Vanguard intervened in 159 AI. Even then, it'd take to 163 AI before they fully ended.  

Post-Traitor Era

After the Traitor Wars more reforms were made in the GDI to stop such a thing from occuring again. Governments cracked down on conspiracies, terrorist groups and corruption in general. In addition, the Traitor Wars created an extremely anti-tyranny sentiment that lasts to this day. It was only after the Wars that the GDI truly began looking towards the galaxy as a whole, and making plays to become a major galactic power.

Through Struggle, Defence for All

Founding Date
83 AI
Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
Power Structure
Transnational government

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Cover image: by Spingular E.Zorkman
Character flag image: by Spingular E.Zorkman


0 82

  • 47 AI

    Signing of the Vow/Tw'tyh-Kavalen Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    The Vow/Tw'tyh-Kavalen Treaty is signed between the CoS, BHFC and a large number of other nations. It is a defensive treaty against the Legion of Zrass, an imperialist faction in the region.

  • 64 AI

    First Contact with Vorovian Concord
    Discovery, Exploration

    CoS researchers make official first contact with the Vorovian Concord, a hegemonic alliance of two totalitarian nations and a number of puppets. This shakes the CoS and her allies to their cores.

  • 65 AI

    80 AI

    Development of Closer Relations between Commonwealth and Federation
    Diplomatic action

    In response to the discovery of the Vorovian Concord, the CoS and BHFC pursue closer relations and sign a number of diplomatic treaties. Most important of these is the Commonwealth-Federation Joint Command, a military fleet which is used with great efficiency to combat piracy.

Early History

80 108

  • 83 AI

    Founding of the Galactic Defense Initiative

    After the Commonwealth-Federation Joint Command served as a proof of concept, the CoS and BHFC officially cement their alliance with the founding of the GDI. The Tahirian Confederacy, a nation known for its neutrality and role of mediator, is also a founding member. The GDI officially opposes the Legion of Zrass and Vorovian Concord.

    Additional timelines
  • 83 AI

    107 AI

    More Members Join
    Diplomatic action

    Throughout the early history of the GDI, 9 new members join.

  • 91 AI

    100 AI

    Construction of the Monolith
    Construction beginning/end

    The Monolith is constructed to serve as a truly neutral HQ to the GDI. The Tahirians grant the space needed to construct it. Funding comes from all members.

  • 101 AI

    109 AI

    GDI Pursues Closer Economic and Political Bonds
    Political event

    In addition, most of the GDI sub-organisations and structure are founded. Examples include the CIC and Readiness Fund.

Crisis of the 110's

109 123

  • 109 AI

    Eehetian Crisis
    Financial Event

    In the Commonwealth, the Eehetian Crisis starts out of a cryptocurrency bubble. At the same time, some other crises happen through the GDI. These quickly spread and cause an organisation-wide crisis.

  • 114 AI

    Political event

    Ndajism, an extremist, totalitarian ideology, is founded in response to economic crisis.

  • 123 AI

    End of the Crisis
    Diplomatic action

    Once the solutions from the crisis begin to work, the KoK decides to join to show their support. This sign of trust, as well as the new trade-routes, immediately revitalises the economy. The Kingdom is the third most powerful member. It is important to note that the crisis only ended for certain areas, whilst other regions continued suffering. No core issues were addressed, leaving the GDI vulnerable to future crisis.


124 145

  • 126 AI

    140 AI

    Antagonisation of the Legion
    Diplomatic action

    The GDI and Legion of Zrass antagonise each other. GDI agents make contact with Legion malcontents, and there is a military build-up. The Legion tries to diplomatically isolate the GDI, and funds pirates to covertly raid border regions.

  • 141 AI

    145 AI

    D'drussir War
    Military action

    In 141 after the CoS discovers Legion funding of pirate groups by their border, an ultimatum is sent. The ultimatum is outrageous with the intent to incite war. Later that same year, the CoS, BHC and KoK declare war on the Legion. The war is easily won after three years due to the Legion's technological stagnancy. Alliances are made with occupied groups in exchange for their independence, and with rebels in exchange for the guarantee that they will be made rulers of the Legion. The war ends with a bombing campaign of the Legion homeworld.


146 156

  • 147 AI

    Conference of Tzor
    Gathering / Conference

    At the Conference the fate of the Legion is decided. 6 new nations are created from the Legion-occupied territories, 3 of which join the GDI later. The Legion is reformed into the Vanguard of Zrass, keeping with promises made with local rebels. The Vanguard will remain a GDI Protectorate for the time being, and must accept military fleets 'keeping the peace' in their territory.

  • 148 AI

    Ndajists Ally
    Political event

    The Ndajist factions, who had already been expanding their influence throughout the GDI using political manipulation and terrorism, form a united block to change GDI politics.

  • 151 AI

    156 AI

    Political and Economic Troubles

    The same core economic issues from the Eehetian Crisis cause a second economic crisis. In addition, corruption scandals, Ndajist subterfuge and general political divisiveness cause unseen unrest. Ndajists take their chance, and infiltrate militaries and political parties.

Traitor Wars

157 163

  • 157 AI

    161 AI

    Traitor Wars
    Military action

    In 157 AI Ndajist coup d'etats occur simultaneously in the CoS and BFHC. Some regions and militaries resist, beginning civil wars. In the CoS this effort is led by the Heir, in the BFHC by a coalition of planets. Similar coups and civil wars break out in most GDI members. These fail in the Kingdom and Vanguard. Neither plans a counter-offensive immediately, due to turmoil at home. In 159 the fleets sent to safeguard the Vanguard begin fighting for loyalist forces, convincing the Kingdom and Vanguard to also join. By 163 all Ndajist forces are defeated.


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