Voice Snatchers Species in Reason's End | World Anvil

Voice Snatchers

One of the more dangerous Lesser Aberrants of theĀ Ancient of Night, Voice Snatchers are feared because they are cunning and actively prey on humans by luring them to their dooms with fake calls for help.

Basic Information


The appearance of a Voice Snatcher was originally completely unknown due to them being only capable of existing in the dark. Shining bright lights to illuminate them causes the Voice Snatcher to flee, if not kill them outright which also causes their bodies to quickly degrade.   It was not until later when Mages asked cooperative Darklings for help using their night vision that Initiates as a whole learned that a Voice Snatcher's body is made of formless darkness.   Through unknown means, Voice Snatchers are capable of mimicking human voices.

Ecology and Habitats

They can only live in darkness because their bodies are made of darkness. If there seems to be calls for help luring you to dark abandoned places, an Initiate would be well advised to assume it's actually a Voice Snatcher luring you into its domain.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Voice Snatchers actively prey and feed on humans. As a predatory threat to humanity, they tend to be worse than ghouls by virtue of usually being more powerful by default.


Voice Snatchers use their ability to mimic human speech to lure prey to the dark where the Voice Snatcher resides. Once they're sure their prey can't escape, they ambush and kill their prey.   They actively fear the light and flee from any and all sources of light, which could be from magic, mundane flashlights, and the sun itself.

Voice Snatchers



Type: Lesser Aberrant
Subtype: Servant
Status: Kill-on-Sight
Estimated Numbers: N/A
Censor's Veil: Censored.


Creator Power: Ancient of Night
Alignment Status: Servitude
Sanity Damage: Moderate
Corporeal Stability: Moderate
Magic: N/A    


Combat Behaviour: Ambush
Threat Rating: High
Physical Damage: Vulnerable
Magical Damage: Vulnerable
Glyphs: Vulnerable
Notable Weaknesses: Bright lights and anything that produces bright lights as a primary or secondary effect


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