Raskatta Species in Realms of Kleriel | World Anvil





  The Raskatta, a race of anthropomorphic rat-like people, have adapted to a significant change in their environment due to The Cataclysm. Once inhabitants of the underworld's dark caverns, they were forced to venture above ground. Historically, the Raskatta were known as mischievous tricksters, thieves, and raiders of the underworld, often targeting Dwarves or other subterranean cultures. Their covetous nature was quite peculiar - they prized shiny trinkets and tantalising smells above all else, making them seem childishly impulsive.   While often considered a minor nuisance rather than a substantial threat, their power lay in numbers, transforming into formidable adversaries when they swarmed. Their lack of crafting skills or creative abilities led them to rely on stolen goods for their necessities. A chaotic bunch, the Raskatta lacked a traditional societal structure or authority figure, which resulted in disorganised hordes that were as likely to clash amongst themselves as against external forces.   Emerging above ground to escape the devastation of the underworld, the Raskatta were thrust into an expansive new world filled with diverse beings, forcing them to adapt. However, their old habits proved difficult to abandon.  

Present day

  Not long after their emergence, the Raskatta were quickly marked as thieves, rebels, and con-artists, which made their integration into other societies challenging. Consequently, they were often relegated to their own enclaves on the fringes of other cultures' settlements, leading to further mistrust and frequent scapegoating.   In an alternative lifestyle, the Raskatta have taken to travelling in caravans, peddling their wares, and offering music, dance, and performances as they wander from place to place. These nomadic Raskatta, known as "fortune seekers", have a knack for surviving despite their uncertain circumstances. Additionally, some Raskatta, the old and feeble of them, have claimed the title of "fortune teller", offering their wisdom on finding life's fortune to the young a gullible, for a fee, of course!   Meanwhile, a sect of Raskatta has remained in the underworld, clinging to their ancestral way of life.   Whether above ground or below, all Raskatta share an innate urge for shiny treasures. While their lively and jovial nature can be infectious, it would be wise to keep a close eye on one's belongings in their presence. The most charismatic among them might even persuade you to hand over your riches willingly!  


  Raskatta, the anthropomorphic rat-folk, boast a striking visage that is both unusual and charismatic. Their fur, which swathes their bodies from head to tail, comes in a myriad of shades from pure white through all the shades of gray, to the deepest black, and various hues of brown. The soft, sleek fur lends them an aura of mystique, accentuated by the nimble movement of their lithe bodies.   Their rat-like faces are marked by sharp, intelligent eyes that seem to glint with mischief and curiosity. These eyes, often of bright amber or deep black, are intense and captivating. A pair of large, rounded ears sit atop their heads, constantly twitching and rotating to pick up the faintest of sounds.   Their exotic clothing, bursting with color and adorned with trinkets and baubles, is a trademark of the Raskatta. They favor loose, flowing garments, such as billowy trousers, layered skirts, and oversized tunics, cinched at the waist with braided belts. Their outfits are often decorated with a mishmash of stolen and traded goods - coins, gems, feathers, and other shiny objects that catch their fancy.  
  In addition to their distinctive apparel, traditionally, female Raskatta grow long manes of hair, the strands of which can be as diverse in color as their fur. They often enhance their manes with braids, beads, and scarves, transforming them into elaborate works of art. These scarves, typically vibrant and patterned, are not just aesthetic but also serve practical purposes, providing protection against the elements and a handy place to stash away a tiny treasure or two.   The appearance of a Raskatta is a testament to their spirit - colorful, unpredictable, and flamboyantly unconventional, just like them.


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