Anya Raskova Character in Realms of Kleriel | World Anvil

Anya Raskova

Anya Raskova is the enigmatic hostess presiding over the infamous Serpent's Kiss, an underground brothel tucked away within the sprawling undercity of Starigrad. A whispered name among the city's high society and its less savory corners alike. Anya is regarded as a striking paradox – ever youthful and infinitely seductive, yet shrouded in the kind of mystery that engenders fascination and unease in equal measure.   The veneer of perpetual youth conceals a seasoned mind, one gifted with an uncanny ability to read people as effortlessly as one might peruse a well-worn book. She possesses an almost preternatural knack for discerning not only the veiled needs that lie dormant within her clientele but also their darkest, most secret desires. Her aptitude for unraveling the complex human psyche has undoubtedly contributed to her establishment's notoriety, but it is not the sole reason for its infamy.   Anya is as revered for her own beguiling charm as she is for her establishment's allure. Her persona has an aura of captivating attractiveness that draws in a diverse crowd. Her magnetism is not selective, it stirs the interest of men and women alike, ensnaring them in a web of intrigue and desire that only deepens the more time they spend in her bewitching company.   However, behind her calm demeanor and loving nature hides a storm that few have weathered. Anya's patience, while seemingly boundless, is not infinite. An unfortunate few have been witness to her cruel side, a chilling aspect of her character reserved for those who dare cross the boundaries of her tolerance. The majority of those who've experienced this chilling wrath have found themselves unable to share their tales, as if swallowed by the very shadows of the undercity itself.   Despite the mingled fear and respect she commands, Anya Raskova's hold on Starigrad's undercity remains unchallenged. For in a city that thrives on secrets and desires, who better to rule the night than the mistress of the Serpent's Kiss?
Current Location
Long black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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