Death and Afterlife in Grezaghar - The Realm of Adventure | World Anvil

Death and Afterlife

Scribed by Pythix
Death Saving throws are not used the realms.   The Physical and Magical Layer have a symbiotic relationship with one another. Because of the unique relationship something things do not die. Typically, when an organic entity dies its organic essence is absorbed through the ground leaving any non-organic things that the entity has left behind.   At the time of reaching 0 hit points, the character will enter a Dying Condition for (1d4) rounds. During this time the character is still conscious but unable to communicate or move.   The character will suffer a +1 Exhaustion level upon entering the condition. If the character receives damage while dying they suffer another +1 Exhaustion level. If they received a critical hit, you will suffer a +2 Exhaustion level. If the damage equals or exceeds your hit point maximum you will die. Additionally, if the character was not in the prone position when he reaches 0 hit point they will fall into a prone position.   At the time that the dying condition is placed if any party members try to stabilize, use a healing kit or case a healing spell on the fallen character it the Dying Condition is removed.   If the party does not try to remove the Dying Condition the character will fall unconscious and the ground around the character will start to turn into a light pale blue color. The blue aura will engulf the character and then absorb its organic essence.   If your character gets killed, then you will be able to start a new character at the same level as the one they are replacing.   No one in the realms understands the afterlife.


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