Duergar Perks Species in Realm of the Blind God | World Anvil
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Duergar Perks

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Race Overview

Inherent Racial Abilities:
  • You learn one Blood Curse, except for ones with Level or Subclass restrictions, of your choice but cannot amplify it (unless you also learn it via Blood Hunter). Once you use this Blood Curse, you may not use it again until after you have completed a Long Rest.
  • You have advantage on Intelligence saving throws against magic.
  • You have proficiency and Expertise with an Artisan’s Tool of your choice.
  • You have a Darkvision radius of 120ft.
  • You are immune to the effects of alcohol, although you experience similar effects from Capsaicin.
Point Balance: 21
Size: You may choose between Medium or Small
Speed: 25ft.
Language: You know International, Duegar Dwarfish, and Undercommon.
Age: Duergar are mature upon hatching and live up to about 90 years, although blood mages among the Duergar can live for more than three centuries.
Physical Description: Duergar share the same fundamental body structure as their Dwarven kin. However, the key distinction lies in their skin pigmentation. The ritual that resulted in them becoming Duergar restricts their birth from slag instead of solid rock, resulting in a grayish skin complexion and white hair tone. The shade of the slag involved determines the range of their skin tone, from lighter to darker variations.
Social Difficulty: 3. Duergar have had very little interaction with the surface world, but their brutal ways increase your social difficulty with Underdark denizens, such as Drow, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Hivers, to a 4-5.  


Sunlight Sensitivity -3 You have Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Perception checks while in direct sunlight.
Lessons of the Exile 1 The amount of food and water you need daily to avoid exhaustion is halved.
Stonecunning 1 You have advantage on History checks to determine the origin of stonework
Runefather's Blessing 3 You are resistant to Necrotic damage.
Rune of Draining 3 You may, as an Action, place a Rune of Draining on a creature. An unwilling creature must make a Charisma saving throw to avoid this effect. For the next minute, whenever they would receive healing, their healing is halved and you receive the other half. This effect works like concentrating on a spell.
Tremorsense 4 When you close your eyes and are conscious, you have a Tremorsense with a 30ft radius.
Weaver of Shadows 4 You may cast the spell Invisibility on yourself at second level. Once you cast this spell, you may not cast it again using this perk until after you have completed a Long Rest.
Dark Ascendance 6 You are immune to Necrotic damage.

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