Inferno Sunflower Species in Realm of Saebetia | World Anvil
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Inferno Sunflower

"I'd never heard of such a flower until a local woman pointed it out to me. It was beautiful and I found myself mesmerized. The woman had to drag me away and later told me I'd been staring at it for over an hour. I don't yet know how, but I'm going to get myself one of those flowers." - excerpt from a journal found in a Catun inn

Basic Information


The Inferno Sunflower has a green stem and green leaves which makes it stand out among the sand dunes where it grows. The petals of the flower are a deep red, streaked with yellow. The middle of the flower moves and changes color before one's eyes. The colors swirl and change from red to yellow to black to gold and are memorizing to behold.

Genetics and Reproduction

The flower reproduces by sending seeds out from the flower to ride on the desert wind once a year.

Growth Rate & Stages

The flower generally reaches its mature height(0.9 m or above) after about six months of growing.

Ecology and Habitats

The Inferno Sunflower only grows within the sandy confines of the Arai Desert. The direct sunlight and sandy soil are imperative to the flower's survival.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While the sunflower gets most of its nutrients from the sun, a local legend says that if you feed the flower blood, it will grow to be double its normal size. This has never been officially documented, however.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

While the flower is illegal to pick, that doesn't stop people from trying to pick it. The Inferno Sunflower, when used correctly, can heal mortal wounds. However, due to the rarity of the flower and the fact that one flower cures only one wound, they are designated as off-limits.
Found only in the The Arai Desert in the Kingdom of Aiova.
5-9 years
Conservation Status
The Inferno Sunflower is incredibly rare and only grows within the Arai Derest. The picking of this flower is illegal and punishable by death, overseen by the Lord of the Arai Desert. Generally the method of capital punishment is death by exposure. This also serves as a warning for anyone who may think about picking the flower in the future.
Average Height
0.9 - 1.6 meters


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