Wurmweaver Coil Spell in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Wurmweaver Coil

Gruul Clans, Selesnya Conclave Spell   When you cast this spell, you become enchanted for the duration. While enchanted by this spell, you are surrounded by a Wurm Aura. While within the aura, you use its stats and you cannot be targeted by spells or abilities, but the aura can be. You use your mental stats for the Wurm. When it is your turn, you can cast spells and make attacks as normal. For range purposes, use the head of the Wurm and apply your range as normal. As an action, you can attack using the worm aura, the stats are provided below. The aura is translucent, but any creature that enters its space is immediately repelled and must also take a CON Saving Throw, becoming prone and taking 2d8 Bludgeoning Damage. When the HP of the aura runs out, the spell ends early. Only if the Wurm is dealt more than 15 damage at a single time does the caster have to make a Concentration Save.   Wurm (Huge) AC: 15, HP: 50 (?) SPD: 30, BURROW: 30 Strength: 20 (+5), Dexterity: 16 (+3), Constitution: 18 (+4)   Actions: Slam Attack: +9 (3d10 +5) Bludgeoning Damage, Range 10 ft   Abilities: Siege Creature: This creature deals double damage to structures and buildings
Effect Duration
1 Minute (Concentration)
Effect Casting Time

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