Sunhome Building / Landmark in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Sunhome, the Guildhall of the Boros on Ravnica, is a combined fortress, barracks, and place of worship. It is said to be impregnable and serves as a symbol of military might. Sunhome is guarded by the veterans of the Sunhome Guard and is technically only one half of the Legion's full Guildhall. The other half is the flying fortress known as the Parhelion. When necessary, the Parhelion can dock with Sunhome to form not only an impregnable fortress but also an active siege machine.   Since the Parhelion is piloted by angels and Sunhome is inhabited by humans, it further adds to the disparities in class between the Legion's ranks.
Alternative Names
Fortress of the Legion
Owning Organization

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