Sundering Vitae Spell in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Sundering Vitae

Selesnya Conclave Spell   You attempt to suppress the abilities of one magical item within range for the spell's duration. Choosing an item with a spell stored like a signet or charm will make that item unable to cast that spell while in range. Choosing an item like magical armor makes that armor its mundane equivalent and it looses all of its passive buffs. Choosing an item like a magical weapon will make that weapon its mundane equivalent and it looses all +Number bonuses as well as all abilities to cast spells.   If the item is being worn or carried, its wielder makes a Dexterity Saving Throw. The item is unaffected on a success.   Convoke: The spell slot required to cast this spell lowers by 1 for each level 1 spell slot paid as a Reaction by allies that can see you. This cannot reduce this spells cost below Level 1.
Effect Duration
1 Minute (Concentration)
Effect Casting Time
60 ft

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