Sphinx Species in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Sphinxes are a mystical being that are as mysterious as Angels. Their power comes directly from the leylines of mana flowing through Ravnica and they focus this with their mind. They can shift planes, bend time to a degree, and no one is certain if they even suffer the ravages of time.   Sphinxes have hollow bones that can function as organ pipes, so “every phrase is a motif and a speech can be a symphony”. Most Sphinxes within the Multiverse were likely influenced by Azor I, an ancient Sphinx planeswalker who once traveled between the worlds to bring order. Some sphinxes have excellent hearing and apparently can tell truth from lies and separate truth from honesty.   When they are seen on Ravnica they are typically affiliated with the Senate . They are solitary creatures that value their privacy but are also willing to share their insights with each other in times of need.   In other, more rare, cases, Sphinxes can be aligned with House Dimir and these are also considered Nightmare creatures.

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