Shrieking Affliction Spell in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Shrieking Affliction

Orzhov Syndicate Spell   Target a humanoid size large or smaller within range. 4 Tiny screeching Gargoyle Elementals appear in a halo around the head of the target creature in the same space as it. They have 1 Hit Counter Each, AC of 13, and the gargoyles each use their actions to hinder the target creature, granting Advantage to attacks made against them. These familiars cannot do anything other than harass the target creature. They hover around the target's head no matter where they go or teleport to. The spell ends if the last screeching gargoyle is slain or if the caster drops the spell as a free action.   The target is immune if it can't hear.
Effect Duration
1 Minute (Concentration)
Effect Casting Time
60 ft

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