Savage Twister Spell in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Savage Twister

Gruul Clans Spell   Create a hostile tornado on a point within range that is a circle with a 10 ft radius and that is 10 ft tall. Creatures within range take a Strength Saving Throw, taking 3d10 Bludgeoning on a success or a fail. Objects and structures within range take double damage from this. On a failure, creatures size huge and smaller are moved 20 ft away from the nexus of the twister in addition to taking the initial damage. If they strike an object or structure, they take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each set of 10 ft they traveled before striking the object. The object, structure, or creature that was struck by the flying creature takes half this amount of damage.   When cast at higher levels the damage dealt by the twister increases by 1d10 and the radius of the twister itself gets 10 ft larger for each level above 2 that this spell is cast at.
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
100 ft (10 ft radius)

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