One Thousand Lashes Spell in Ravnica | World Anvil
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One Thousand Lashes

Orzhov Syndicate Spell   Manifest a Thrull (Construct) familiar within 5 ft of target creature you can see within range.   This Thrull is size Small.   Its HP is equal to 5 x the number at the end of your hit dice. (For instance, a Wizard's would be 30).   Its AC is 13 and all its core stats are all 10 (+0).   Its Attacks are done with the small lash that it has and are + (Your Spellcasting Modifier and Proficiency bonus) to hit, dealing 2d8 + (Your Spell Casting Modifier) Magical Slashing Damage.   Whenever this attack strikes the targeted creature, their movement speed is reduced by half until the end of their next turn and they automatically lose focus on any spell they are concentrating on.   It will always use its Action to attack the creature that was targeted during its summoning to the best of its ability. For as long as the spell remains active, the Thrall floats within 5 ft of the targeted creature, no matter where it moves or teleports to. The caster can close his eyes and choose to see what the Thrull sees. The caster can also end the spell at any time as a Free Action. Additionally, the spell ends when the target creature is ever 10 ft or farther away from the Thrull.   When the Spell ends, the Thrull dissipates.
Effect Duration
1 Minute
Effect Casting Time
60 ft

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