Human Species in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Humans are a scant majority among the peoples of Ravnica, dominating some guilds and barely represented in others. As on other worlds, they are innovators, achievers, and pioneers whose daring and adaptability make them capable of great feats, both good and bad in virtue.   Not one of the Paruns of the Ten Guilds were human, although the Orzhov Syndicate's Obzedat (Ghost Council) has contained varying amounts of human souls throughout the ages. Likewise, no current guildmaster is a human; however, the last guildmaster of the Azorius Senate before Isperia was indeed a human, so their presence at the top of various hierarchies isn't so far fetched. Even if they aren't at the highest echelon of power, humans are the lieutenants, advisors, and strategists of many guilds. Their ambition and drive propel them towards the top, but the sheer might of beings as ancient as Dragons, Sphinxes, and Demons keeps humans one rung down from the pinnacle of power.   The humans of Ravnica are no less physically diverse than those of other worlds, they have ethnicities that represent themselves in slight variations of bone structure and skin tone. Similarly, they are varied in their inclinations to the point that they are the only race that can be reliably found in every single guild in at least some capacity.   Languages: One particular human tongue has triumphed over all others to become Ravnica's Common Language, and its phonemes and traditions shape the names of most the city's humans and the structures they govern.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Humans sometimes borrow names from other races, but they have a rich pool of traditional names to draw from. The use of family names seems to be a peculiarly human custom. Family names are passed down to children from either parent, and sometimes children use the family names of both of their parents. For example, Micyl Savod Zunich was the son of Fonn Zunich and Jarad Vod Savo. The human custom of family names runs so deep that when other races use family names, they are usually derived from some connection (not necessarily blood ties) to a human family.   Male Names: Agmand, Agosto, Bell, Brev, Dars, Dobromir, Dravin, Evern, Gorev, Ivos, Janik, Juri, Lannos, Lucian, Micas, Nikos, Obez, Olric, Osidar, Rogad, Sergiu, Sirslav, Tibor, Grigori, Tzaric, Uzric, Valen, Vennick, Vict, Vorimir, Vuliev, Zunak   Female Names: Anksa, Aszala, Berta, Bori, Briska, Dahlya, Geetra, Izolda, Jozica, Lavinia, Luda, Lyzolda, Milana, Miotri, Nefara, Palla, Pel, Ruba, Strava, Sulli, Vina, Voka, Zija   Family Names: Andon, Bara, Bejiri, Borca, Capobar, Forenzad, Gerava, Gharti, Golozar, Gostok, Grezar, Helsk, Javya, Karlaus, Kirescu, Koba, Kos, Macav, Migellic, Nar, Nodov, Pelerine, Pijha, Ralinu, Ringor, Rokiric, Sarv, Shonn, Suszat, Tandris, Trul, Tylver, Valenco, Vay, Vinloskarga, Wenslauv, Yaszen

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

As with other planes of existence where humans coexist with elves, there are a healthy amount of Half-Elves produced on Ravnica through human and elven relations despite the fact that traditionalists of both races usually frown upon this union.
120 Years largely in part to the sophisticated health care of Ravnica

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