Guildmaster Rank/Title in Ravnica | World Anvil
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The very first Guildmasters were the Paruns, the founders of each of the Ten Guilds sociopolitical ideals and the basic structure of how they worked. As some of them died or grew weary of leading, they passed this roll on to the next generation. Each time leadership officially changed hands, the power granted to the previous Guildmaster by the Guildpact would do so as well.   Beings in this position are not only the sum of their life's work in toil and training, they are also iconoclasts recognized by the ancient Pact itself as being suitable to fill that roll. If you believe the scholars, the Pact decides who the next Guildmaster will be, long before the current one picks a successor. This deep connection with the Guildpact grants them powers far beyond their previous limits once they officially become the Guildmaster.

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