Education in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Basic education and higher learning are present and easily accessible on Ravnica, but not mandatory. There are many different cultures and tradition in the city and, as such, there are many different educational institutions that cater to a vast array of family values and acceptable people groups; however, it is also perfectly acceptable of a family wants to keep their children out of educational institutes and instead instruct them in whatever trade they ply.   The Guildpact prevents guilds from erasing other methods of education directly and limits how much money they can make off of it as well. Because of this, some of the oldest institutions of learning have been guildless and many citizens, even ones who are or plan to be affiliated with the guilds, attend them.   That's not to say that guilds don't have their own institutions, but they are usually extremely focused on the skills that that guild requires to operate. The few guild-affiliated general education institutions that do exist are boarding schools owned by the Azorius, Boros, Orzhov , and Selesnya, but each of these look vastly different.   Levels of traditional education vary from neighborhood to neighborhood and, in some places, educational differences can create societal classism, but it is usually due to culture and tradition and not financial inability.

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