Drown in Filth Spell in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Drown in Filth

Golgari Swarm Spell  

Target creature within range that is size Large or Smaller, standing on solid ground (not difficult terrain, not a thin strip of land they are already having trouble standing on) must make a Dexterity Saving Throw to avoid being drenched by a powerful flow of foul liquid, taking 5d6 Acid Damage and 2d8 Poison Damage on a fail, and half as much on a success. Additionally, if they fail this save, they are marked by a foul stench for 24 Hours that cannot be removed by anything short of Dispel Magic or a similar level spell. Attempts to track this creature by smell have advantage.


When cast at higher levels, the caster may target an additional creature within range for each level above Third.

Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
60 ft

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