Bond of Revival Spell in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Bond of Revival

This spell requires 2 Casters. Each must be within 10 feet of one another throughout the duration of the spell and each must expend a Level 3 Spell Slot, One as their Action for the turn, the primary caster, and the other as a Reaction. Both creatures must maintain Concentration for the spell to be active.


All Allied Player operated Characters and a number of NPC Allies equal to the Spellcasting Modifier of the Primary Caster that are in range and have died this combat (whether currently downed or already bled out and passed on) are revived with a number of hit points equal to the Primary Caster's Spellcasting Modifier x their remaining hit dice.

Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
Action, Reaction
80 ft
Applied Restriction
This spell can only be cast by a member of the Golgari Swarm and a member of the Cult of Rakdos. The primary caster is the only one who needs this spell in their spell list.

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