Bond of Discipline Spell in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Bond of Discipline

This spell requires 2 Casters. Each must be within 10 feet of one another throughout the duration of the spell and each must expend a Level 2 Spell Slot, One as their Action for the turn, the primary caster, and the other as a Reaction. Both creatures must maintain Concentration for the spell to be active.   All creatures within 60 feet of the casters are effected.  
  • Hostile Creatures within range must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (against the primary caster's DC) whenever they first enter the spells range for the first time on their turn or start their turn there, spend their turn doing nothing. They may repeat this Save at the end of each of their turns. Upon a success, creatures may not be affected by this spell for 24 hours.
  • Allied Creatures that are willing gain Lifelink for the duration of the spell. Lifelink means that any damage that a creature deals through melee or physical ranged attacks on their turn heal them for the amount of weapon damage that was dealt before applying weakness or resistance.
  • Effect Duration
    30 Seconds (5 turns)
    Effect Casting Time
    Action, Reaction
    60 ft Radius
    Applied Restriction
    This spell can only be cast by a member of the Orzhov Syndicate and a member of the Azorius Senate. The primary caster is the only one who needs this spell in their spell list.

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