Act of Treason Spell in Ravnica | World Anvil
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Act of Treason

Rakdos Spell   Spell Level 1 or 2(?)   Creature must make a CHA (?) Saving Throw or become Charmed until the end of their next turn. On a fail, the caster can make the Charmed Creature use up to all of its movement speed and make an attack against any other creature of the caster's choice that the charmed creature is able to see. This attack includes any Multi-attack abilities that the charmed creature has and any spell that the caster has seen this creature cast and that the charmed creature has spell slots for may be cast (up to 5th level and no higher).   Once the Saving Throw is failed, the Charmed Creature may not be forced to make the save for this spell again for the next 24 hours.

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