Rory Casto Character in Ravnica | World Anvil

Rory Casto

Dipl. Ing Rory Castro

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up in a very strict family, he often had to endure long preaches of the impurity of humanoid existence and was taught that only in scientific research he could gain ablution and to be fulfilled. Emotions and feelings had no place in the world his Parents envisioned, so they would punish him if he even so much as laugh out too loud. He learned to cope with the harsh restrictions and pressure from his parents and joined them in the Izzet League.

After working as an apprentice for quite some time, his senior engineer sends him off to Prism University to study. While away from his parents for the first time, one of the other apprentices, a Loxodon named Throom, showed him the world of lust and open expression of feelings by bringing him to a Rakdos performance. While at first disgusted, his anger about such behaviour soon turned to interest, and later to an obsession. In his first personal quest to learn more about his own desires, he did not care for his own safety or the safety of his friend. So, during one rather heated performance, Throom gets dragged into the performance, during which he loses part of his left ear. Soon after that, they both graduate, but Throom decides to not return to Izzet but rather go to Selesnya.

This, however, did not dissuade Rory from his interests in Rakdos, and he stayed a common visitor to their performances even after returning to his guild and joining the laboratory of Metallurgy. So it came how it had to, and his family found out about his "misbehaviour" and tried to get him eviscerated from the guild. A young engineer by the name of Ral, however, decided that it would benefit them to have an ambassador who had close relations with Rakdos, so the only thing his parents could do was to renounce him from the family.


Has a Univerity degree by the Prism University. For what exactly only he knows since he managed do set his diploma on fire one time, which left his field of study unreadable.


He works in the Izzet League in the laboratory of Metallurgy


Hobbies & Pets

While nowadays part of his job, he visited and is still visiting Rakdos performances quite often. During one after-show party, he met a female pain artist who introduced herself as Butterknife, and they quickly decided to go somewhere more private. After that night, they met up some more times after shows, and while Rory still does not know her real name, he remembers her stage name, her feeling and her smell.

The Inventiv

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Date of Birth
7th of Paujal

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