Wyrmlands Geographic Location in Ravare | World Anvil


<h2 data-wa-element-h2="1">Introduction</h2><span class="paragraph-indent" data-editor-indented-paragraph="1">Ripped and torn asunder by Wyrms and their kin, it is a mountainous region where the stone peaks reach to pierce the sky and fall into dense forests. This expanse has been founded over the remnants of Balagram's Empire, many of the cities and towns having been built up off of the fallen structures left behind by the Baragni.</span>

General Information

The Wyrmlands of Agnavar are a shadow of what was once a lush and vibrant land filled with forests and the beasts that lived within them, but now it a land gouged out and pierced by stone pillars that dot many of the rocky hills. The forests that have survived the years since Wyrms took control have only since begun to grow back in bulk under the human's oversight and have become a large source of lumber within the Empire of Akrudir.   The main power that controls the Wyrmlands is known as Akrudir, a self-proclaimed empire that stretches across the expanse using what is called the Stenvau, or the Emperor's Path, a stone road crafted by Runemasters in order to assure constant travel and communication throughout the land.
Alternative Name(s)
Wyrmlands of Agnavar
Location under


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