Wood Elves of Arborea Ethnicity in Rassoran | World Anvil
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Wood Elves of Arborea

Description and location-   Located within the Arborean Forest in South East Rassoran, The Arborean Confederacy is a nation of wood elves who live in the high in the treetops. Their society is highly structured and hierarchical, with a nobility that traces its lineage back to the founding of their great cities. The Arborean Confederacy is known for its art, architecture, and culture, which are heavily influenced by the Antebellum South. They have a strong military tradition, and their warriors are skilled in archery, guerilla tactics, and hit-and-run attacks.   Gods-
  • The Guide- The follow the teachings of a new god that has recently made a place among them who calls himself the Guide, or Gunvald to those who know him personally. A protector of the forest, patron to archer as well as Masters and apprentices, he has fit in well with thier highly traditional and structured culture. 
  • Nature- They have a great reverence for nature and the natural beauty of the world. and fight to protect it faithfully. 
Cultural Aspects-
  • Reverence for Nature: The Arborean Confederacy has a deep respect and admiration for the natural world, and believes that all living beings are interconnected and deserving of respect. They see themselves as stewards of the forest, and strive to live in harmony with the creatures and plants that surround them.
  • Honor and Duty: The Arborean Confederacy places a high value on duty and honor, and members of their society are expected to fulfill their obligations to their family, community, and nation. This includes serving in the military, upholding the law, and contributing to the well-being of the society as a whole.
  • Traditions and Customs: The Arborean Confederacy has a rich tradition of art, music, and literature, which are highly valued by their society. They also have strict codes of behavior and etiquette, which are designed to ensure that all members of their society are treated with respect and dignity.
  • Spirituality and Magic: The Arborean Confederacy has a deep spiritual connection to the forest, and many of their beliefs and practices are centered around nature magic. They believe that the forest is inhabited by powerful spirits, and that by communing with these spirits, they can gain insight and guidance. They also have a strong tradition of druidic and shamanistic practices, which are used to heal the sick and injured, and to protect their society from harm.
  • A proud and mysterious people, known for their strange druidic magics and incredibly feats of archery.
  • Also known for their talent with natural architecture, sometimes waiting generations for the forest to grow in ways that suite them best. 
  •  The Buck Skins have gathered quite the local reputation, and are highly respected as potentially the best woodsmen and scouts on the continent. 
Relationship with other local ethnicity's-
  • Isolationist people, they are most concerned with maintaining their independence and resisting change, especially if that change originates form outside their forest. 
  • As a result, they have a great distrust for outsiders, and dislike most  other people.  
  • The exception is the hill dwarves to the south, whom they maintain a positive relationship with
History-   A faction of the original Elvin Empire that once ruled over most of the Rossran continent, these elves fled east found homes within the giant trees of the Arborean Forest. There they successfully rebuilt, and over the last few centuries have cultivated an entirely new civilization and culture, distinctly different from that of the original elves.    They do not however forget, and they have constantly been on guard against external threats that could once again threaten their homes, building strong defenses and great warriors to protect them, guarding against any potential enemy that could overtake the proud elvin race.    Other Notes-


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