Shotari Drow in Rassoran | World Anvil
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Shotari Drow

Physical Description and geographic location-

Located in the Far north East of Shontari, boardering Herdlend to the south and the Anubian Tundra in the West.
  • Fair Complexion: While still retaining the characteristic dusky skin tone of Drow, the complexion of Shontari Drow tends to be slightly fairer, with a healthier and more robust appearance. Exposure to sunlight is not as taboo in Shontari Drow culture, allowing individuals to develop a more natural pigmentation over time.
  • Traditional Hairstyles and Attire: The Shontari Drow maintain their traditional Japanese aesthetic while adapting their attire for the cold climate of their mountainous homeland. Layered robes and kimono-like garments made from thick, insulating fabrics are worn, complemented by heavy hakama trousers lined with fur and fur-lined haori jackets adorned with intricate embroidery. Thick obi sashes cinch the waist for added warmth, while sturdy boots lined with fur provide protection against the snowy terrain. Traditional accessories such as decorative hairpins and ornamental katanas complete their ensemble, reflecting their commitment to both function and style in their attire.
  • Facial Features: Shontari Drow possess sharp and angular facial features, with high cheekbones, narrow eyes, and pointed ears characteristic of their Drow heritage. However, their expressions tend to be more stoic and composed, reflecting their disciplined and reserved nature.
  • Facial Hair- One of the only elvin races capable of growing facial hair, many of the Shontari Drow men sport neatly trimed beards and gotees, to keep warm in their colder climate. 
  • Distinctive Weapons and Armor: In addition to their physical appearance, Shontari Drow often wield specialized weapons and armor crafted with exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail. Samurai warriors may be seen carrying katana swords and yumi bows adorned with intricate engravings and lacquer finishes, while elite warriors don ornate armor adorned with clan symbols and ancestral motifs. These weapons and armor serve as both practical tools of war and symbols of status and honor within Shontari Drow society.


  • The Shontari Drown focus on the Nuetral and Evil Pantheons, but have special reverence for The Mage, The King of Kings , The Raven, The Prince of Undeath Orcus, and thier God king Vecna the Whispered One.

Cultural Aspects-

  • Traditional and Isolationist: The Shontari Drow are deeply rooted in traditional Japanese customs and values, valuing honor, discipline, and hierarchy above all else. They maintain a strict isolationist policy, viewing outsiders with suspicion and preferring to keep their society closed off from the influence of other nations and cultures.
  • Caste System: The Shontari Drow society is structured around a rigid caste system, with individuals born into specific social classes based on their family lineage and occupation. The highest caste consists of noble samurai and aristocrats, followed by skilled artisans, merchants, and farmers, with laborers and peasants occupying the lowest rung of society.
  • High Value on Honor: Honor is paramount in Shontari Drow culture, with individuals expected to uphold a strict code of conduct in all aspects of life. Samurai warriors adhere to the principles of bushido, valuing loyalty, courage, and self-sacrifice in battle. Dishonor is considered a grave offense, often resulting in social ostracism or even ritualistic suicide to preserve one's honor.
  • Death Worship and Ritualistic Religion: The Shontari Drow practice a form of death worship centered around the veneration of the "Immortal Emperor" Vecna. They believe that Vecna embodies the ultimate authority and power over life and death, and they offer sacrifices to appease and honor him. Ritualistic ceremonies involving blood offerings and elaborate funeral rites are conducted regularly to honor the departed and seek favor from Vecna.
  • Family and Ancestral Worship: Family ties are highly valued in Shontari Drow society, with reverence for ancestors playing a central role in their religious beliefs. Ancestral shrines are erected within households to honor deceased relatives, and elaborate rituals are performed to ensure their spirits' continued protection and guidance.
  • Cultural Arts and Traditions: The Shontari Drow are skilled practitioners of traditional Japanese arts and crafts, including calligraphy, tea ceremony, ikebana (flower arranging), and martial arts such as kendo and kyudo. They place great emphasis on refinement and aesthetic beauty in all aspects of life, from architecture and clothing to poetry and literature.
  • Military Discipline and Training: The Shontari Drow maintain a formidable military force composed of highly trained samurai warriors and skilled archers. Military discipline is enforced with strict regulations and rigorous training regimes, instilling a sense of loyalty and obedience among soldiers. Samurai are expected to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the service of their lord and country, ready to lay down their lives in defense of honor and duty.


  • Origins and Original Culture: The Shontari Drow trace their origins to an ancient civilization that flourished in the mountainous regions of their homeland. Known for their reverence for nature and adherence to traditional Japanese customs and values, the early Shontari Drow lived in harmony with the land, cultivating rice paddies and practicing martial arts as a means of self-defense. Dominion Rule Under the Dragons: Like many civilizations on the continent, the Shontari Drow fell under the dominion rule of powerful dragon overlords who imposed their will upon the land. Despite facing oppression and subjugation, the Shontari Drow maintained their cultural identity and resilience, biding their time for an opportunity to reclaim their independence.
  • Rise of Vecna: With the emergence of the Immortal Emperor Vecna and his "15," a coalition of powerful beings who led the continent in rebellion against the dragons, the Shontari Drow seized the opportunity to break free from draconic rule. Joining forces with Vecna's rebellion, they fought alongside other oppressed races to overthrow their oppressors and establish a new order.
  • Cultural Shift in Response to Vecna's Worship: Following Vecna's victory and ascent to power, the Shontari Drow underwent a cultural shift as a response to the widespread worship of the Immortal Emperor. Influenced by the death cult worship of Vecna, some members of Shontari society embraced darker rituals and practices, leading to a divergence from their original values of harmony and balance with nature.
  • Withdrawal from the Civilized Continent: As their culture took on a darker tone, the Shontari Drow secluded themselves from the rest of the continent and became internally focused. Other nations as cultures took issue with their Death worship and strnage customs, as well as their toleration of darker magics. The Shontari Drow in return have come to veiw outsiders and mebers of other culture with suspicion and distrust.
  • Current Day Culture: In the present day, the Shontari Drow maintain their traditional way of life within their secluded mountain realms, adhering to the principles of honor, discipline, and hierarchy. Despite their isolationist stance, they remain vigilant against external threats, wary of the ever-present danger.

Other Notes-


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