Ormur- Wolfsteade Settlement in Rassoran | World Anvil
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Ormur- Wolfsteade

City History, Culture, Trade and Description   Wolfsteade is the ancestral home of clan Ironhand, a family of dwarves who left the mines to establish a farming trade. They failed having picked rocky land unsuitable for farming and were nearly penniless when approached by the Talons who were looking for a outpost in the region. They struck a deal, and allowed the Wolves to take up refuge here in exchange for protection and some of their bounties, and they have been here ever since.    Wolfsteade is known for its extensive training fields and almost every Talon spent a few years learning here as apprentices. It is overseen by a brother and sister, Nadar and Talia, who balance each other out and lead the wolves together.   Important Characters   Nadar- A human nearing 130, he has an angular face, with matted blonde hair and hazel eyes. He wears black splint armor with a white wolfhead painted on the chest, wields a morningstar and shield, with a large crossbow strung over his back. He is brash and heavy handed, one of the best fighters in the Talon order but susceptible to clever tactics and tricks.   Talia- A human woman at about 128, younger sister to Nadar. She has raven black hair braided and falling off her shoulders, leather armor and a long bow. Tries to keep herself calm and collected, but when angered shows signs of her lyconthropy (werewolf).    Lord Desmond of Clan Ironhand- An older male dwarf, great grandson of the original Lord of the keep. He is a stout dwarf, bulky but strong and has a large belly laugh. Trained with the Talons in his youth, but has since settled in old age and is content to study and write his memoirs of living with the "beasts of Wolfsteade".    Local Quests   Notable Buildings   Blacksmith- A forge in one of the out buildings, no one here is particularly skilled but the fires are always kept warm for anyone needing to repair their weapons or armor.    Healing and potions- A small hut pushed up against one of the walls where a halfling woman named Sane lives. Sane has curly white hair and brown eyes, and a flat nose. She wears dirty and stained clothing but has a well taken care of green embroidered cloak (a gift from her mother), and wields a quarterstaff and sling. She was hired by Lord Desmond to make potions and healing salves for the Talons, and has worked here for many years.    General store- they keep basic supplies on hand, but for anything beyond that Lord Desmond will direct you to the nearest town.    Other NPC’s   Dreder- He is fair in appearance, with short copper hair and soft amber eyes. He wears chainmail and wields a large spear.    Ernard- has straight red hair and blue eyes, and a gotee. He wears plate armor and wields a trident which he picked up from a shagrin in the Arnet Islands. Ernard is hunting the vampire who slew his mentor.
Outpost / Base


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