Ormur- Sarris in Rassoran | World Anvil
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Ormur- Sarris

City History, Culture, Trade and Description   Sarrin is a town located on the boarder of Ormur and Madgar, and has been a point of contention between the 2 kingdoms, with the town having switched loyalties several times over the past hundred years or so. It is currently controlled by Ormur, but many citizens are Madgarian, and there is an undertone of bitterness against the Ormur leadership.   Important Characters   Lady Lapa- Lapa is a human woman, who is rough in appearance and wears far too much makeup in an effort to conceal her homely appearance. She has black hair, hazel eyes, and pocketed skin from a childhood sickness. She wears fine clothing and an amulet of luminous crystal. She was appointed as Lady of the city by Ormur for her support in the city several years ago, and is desperate to maintain her position despite her unpopularity.   Captain Sosto- Sosto is a human man, who has red hair and green eyes, and a beaked nose. He wears chain mail and wields a military pick. Sosto is haunted by the ghost of his best friend, who he killed in a madgar uprising several years ago, and has restled with his consciousness ever since.   Master Nina- Nina is a halfing woman, short and willowy, with braided silver hair and dark blue eyes. She wears fine clothing and a feathered hat. Nina is hard-hearted but calm. She is a battle mage and advisor from Cintras, sent to help maintain order in the city.   Local Quests
  • A pack of dire wolves have been hunting livestock for the past week, and a bounty has been posted for anyone willing to hunt down their den and kill the pack.
  • Giotto needs escorts for his trip to murkwood to gather more timber.
Notable Buildings And Districts
  • Royal Manor House- a grand 3 story building on the Ormur side of the river, made from cut stone and Oaken timbers with large stained glass windows and Ormur banners.
  • Crossings- separated by a large bridge that spans the river, connecting the 2 sides of the town with merchants on either side.
  • Residential
Shops   Blacksmith- A small workshop on the Madgar side of the river. Run by Burla, an exceptionally beautiful human woman hailing from Madgar, with thin silver hair and soft grey eyes. She wears plate mail and wields a long sword and javelins. Burla dislikes physical contact.   General store- a small independent business struggling to pay the prices charged by the Steelswords merchant guild to keep stocked. Run by a meek halfing man named   Minstrels Home- storyAccommodations
  • Bard- Corfo has an angular face, with blonde hair and grey eyes. He wears expensive clothing and an ermine fur cape, with his lute always within reach. Corfo seeks to find his true love.
  • Notice Board- details the local quests, as well as a request reading "Experienced mercenary wanted, take down unnatural beast, not for faint of heart. Inquire further at room 2" (Valorine quest hook)
Carpenter- A small workshop near the city wall. Run by Giotto, a willowy human man who has braided blonde hair and brown eyes. He wears modest garments and several pouches hang from his belt. He is a skilled carpenter and renowned for his craft.   Shady dealer- Cino is a halfing man who runs a small gang within the city. He is haughty in bearing, with red hair and soft hazel eyes. He wears worn clothing and riding boots, and carries a nasty mace at his side.   Other NPC’s   Guard- Eloti, a human woman, has a long face, with tangled brown hair and blue eyes. She wears studded leather   Farmer- Fino, a young haalfing man, is cultured in appearance, with red hair and green eyes. He wears worn clothing   Thug- Egliana, a human woman, is pleasant in appearance, with straight brown hair and sharp blue eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a long sword. Works as Cino's second in his gang.   Merchant- Ghera, a halfing woman, has copper hair and grey eyes, and walks with a limp. She wears plain clothing and a pewter amulet. Ghera is antagonistic but principled.   Traveler- Ghiro, a human man, has braided blonde hair and brown eyes. He wears studded leather and wields a battle axe. Ghiro is a traveling mercanary, and a terrible liar.   Random


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