Madgar tundra Encounters in Rassoran | World Anvil
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Madgar tundra Encounters

Good Encounters- 7-8
    • make good time, reduce travel by 1 day
    • find stranded merchants carrying fine spirits and food supplies, offer a few bottles in exchange for helping them get to the next town.
    • Find a pair of halfing travelers named biff and bamph who are exploring the world. At the moment, they are having a sledding race, and want the party to officiate a sled race, which might end up plummeting them into a crevice they need to be rescued from.
Neutral Encounters- 5-6
    • Find what remains of a merchant caravan, with several figures and a wagon encased in ice from a white dragon attack.
    • An unknown beast killed someone a few nights ago, and a group of hunters were hired to track it down. They are dismissive of the party, insisting that they can handle it themselves. Possibly find them dead on a later journey through the area.
    • Crystal Dragon- CR 2, 5, 12, 19, scales becoming white and then increasingly translucent and reflective as they age, horns change color with mood, they are stargazers, Will take care of abandoned dragons of other types, friendly and optimistic, but very opposed to destructive forces. FTD pg 169.
    • Goliath heard, maybe displaced by a white dragon attack, maybe seeking to attack the party to appease a dragon overlord?
    • Steep Hill: The party comes across a steep, downhill slope. They must succeed a DC 10 Acrobatics Check or slide down the hill, to the amusement of the other party members.
    • Icy Crevice- the party stumbles across a patch of thin ice over a crevice. Skill challenge to maneuver their way out of danger as the ice cracks and eventually breaks under them. 
Dangerous Encounters- 3-4
    • Peryton- Cr 2, flying evil creature of insatiable hunger, eats human hearts, its shadow and voice is that of a human. Live high in mountains or above ravines preying on travelers or nearby villages. MM pg 251.
    • Polar bear- CR 2
    • Goblins- Ambushers, roam in packs, often attach themselves to larger more powerful races. MM pg 166.
    • Galeb Duhr- Cr 6, summoned by wizards or druids from plane of earth, guardians, can look like rocks.MM pg 139.
    • Thin Ice: You come across a portion of thin ice. Make a DC 10 Perception Check to spot it. If they don't see it, it will take a DC 16 Dex saving through to avoid falling into a chasm below. Possibly lead to a dungeon?
    • Will-o'-Winters- cold immune Will-o'Wisps in the distance attract the party. Fill the terrain between the wisps and the party with hazards (viz. crevasses). At the bottom of these crevasses, however, the party can find the treasures of fallen adventurers amid frozen corpses; the wisps have lured many to their doom.
Deadly Encounters- 1-2
    • White Dragon- CR 6, 13, 20, most primal and animalistic of the dragons, freezes its prey and saves them for later, keeping its greatest foes prisoners in ice as trophies, loner dragon, hide its treasure under ice which often includes ship bows walrus’s tusks and other arctic treasure as well as gold.
    • Frost Giant- CR 8
    • Yeti- CR 3 or 9. MM pg 305.
    • Remorhaz- CR 3-11, tunnel under ice and waits for vibrations on the surface. MM pg 258.
    • Eldritch Thrym’s Howl (bad snow storm)


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