Madgar- Port Lipson Settlement in Rassoran | World Anvil
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Madgar- Port Lipson

outside the city is a small abandoned farm house, where eric is from and his sister is buried   City History, Culture, Trade and Description   Port Limpson is the  southern most port in Madgar, and an important city when it comes to supplying the city, particularly during the colder winter months when food becomes scarce in the north. As a result the Madgarians value and protect this city, and there is a strong presence of the legendary madgarian warriors here.    Important Characters   Jarl Sigrun- a human woman with long braided blonde hair, dressed in a fur robe. She runs the city with a tight fist, but is known for her weakness for handsome men and lavish parties.    Champion Finnvi- Finnvi is a tall dwarven man, who has a long face, with white hair and dark grey eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a spear. Finnvi has an animal companion, an armored black bear named Theidre.   Local Quests   A ship named the Scepter of Nessus was due in port several days ago, but has yet to make an appearance. The ship, in addition to valuable supplies for Madgar, also had a personal delivery for Jarl Sigrun, and she is looking to hire a ship to go search for it.     Notable Buildings And Districts   Jarl's Longhouse   Isabeles farm house- a decrepid and overgrown farming steade just outside the  city, where Eric was from and his sister Isabel is burried.    Shops   Blacksmith- A small workspace near the docks, run by a Dwarven Woman named Meda. She has long golden hair pulled into a tight braid and light grey eyes. She wears plate mail and is often seen with a large mace at her side. She is  married t the champion Finnvi, and is an accomplished shield maiden in her own right.    General store- A large warehouse by the docks controlled by the Steelswords Guild, and a medium sized storefront next door. Run by Almar, a relatively tall halfling with uneven silver hair and amber eyes. He wears simple clothing and a gray cloak.   Snowed in Fox- A large, 2 story stone and timber building, with large stained glass windows. It was once a manor house for an Elvin Lord, and still holds many of the lords personal collection of paintings and display items. It is currently run by a red faced halfing woman named Rosey.    Jesters Meade hall- a short stone building half covered in snow drift, with large oak tables and chairs with a large mahogany bar. It is known for its strong and delicious drinks. It is run by Jester, a boisterous purple teiflling who won the meade hall in a card game, and its previous owner, a grumpy dwarf named Ragnis, now works for him at the bar while Jester entertains guests.    Shipwright- a large dry dock area run by Eyvin, a  large dwarf who has a square face, with brown hair and hazel eyes. He works directly for the Steelswords guild, but will occasionally do jobs for others with the coin to pay him.    Shady dealer- Alkig is a short halfing bard, with cropped black hair and amber eyes. He wears fine clothing and numerous rings. Alkig is assertive and aloof. He is always talking as if he may move on any day, but has settled here and enjoys the role of part time entertainer, full time procurer of things (as long as you don't ask where he got them). He can usually be found giving a semi decent performance at Jesters Meade Hall.    Other NPC’s   Guard- Kari is a human man, who has a narrow face, with grey hair and amber eyes. He wears modest garments under his leather armor, and is an experienced veteran of several raids into the Northern Wastes.    Farmer- Reyne is a dwarven woman who has a round face, with silver hair and large grey eyes. She wears modest garments and is a hard worker.   Merchant- Ifunrg is a human woman who has a long face, with uneven copper hair and soft amber eyes. She wears simple clothing and carries an elm staff.   Traveler   Random- Hori is a human man with blonde hair and sharp amber eyes, and walks with a limp. He wears dirty and disheveled but expensive clothing and silk gloves. He is the local crazy, after being cursed with insanity by a hag, and is searching for the secret which will break the curse.   Ship

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