Gladria- Port Elma Settlement in Rassoran | World Anvil
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Gladria- Port Elma

City History, Culture, Trade and Description   Port Elma is a relatively small port city that has grown up around a natural harbor, and is a resting point along the road from the Gladrian capital to Port Lipson in Madgar. It has large walls surrounding the landward side, due to its close proximity to the outskirts of Murkwood, but it is a relatively uneventful town. Most of its people make their living fishing or dealing with travelers and merchants passing through, either on the land routes or the occasional merchant ship stopping for repairs.   Important Characters   Baron Wilhye- He is an overweight human man in his late 70's, with uneven red hair and dark blue eyes. He wears expensive clothing, large gold jewelry and a feathered hat.    Captain Benne- A dwarven female paladin, who has black hair and grey eyes. She wears expensive clothing and a leopard fur cape. Benne is confident and ruthless in her pursuit of anyone she perceives as an enemy (or a threat). Currently outside the city with a small force of guards, waiting for reinforcements from Gladria to arrive.    Father Etlylwyn- An awkwardly tall human man, he is plain in appearance, with messy black hair and blue eyes. He wears modest garments and silk gloves that he obsessively keeps a pristine white. He seeks to atone for past sins.   Local Quests
  • The pirate ship White Lance is in port undergoing repairs, and its captain has taken the Baron hostage onboard until repairs are complete, her crew doing as they please in the meantime. 
  • A Bullete has been plaguing local farmers, and a bounty of 50 gold has been placed on it. 
Notable Buildings And Districts   Barons Household- a 3 story building near market square.   Magistrates office- where the jail and government hearings take place.    Temple- located on the north side of town, a small and respectable temple. In addition to holding worship, travelers can find lodging here for a nights stay if willing to give a small donation.    Market Square   Harbor   Residential   Shops   Blacksmith- small open air forge on the south side of the city, with a modest cottage next door. Run by    General Store- a small trading post near the port, it has been ransacked by pirates and the steelswords guild member was killed.    mead   Shady dealer- a man named Lasym works at the docks, and is know to snag items off ships in port. He is fair in appearance, with long red hair and dark amber eyes. He wears modest garments and several small tools hang from his belt.   Other NPC’s   Guard- Phily is a strong human woman, who has auburn hair and light green eyes, and walks with a limp. She wears scale mail and wields a two-handed sword. Phily blames dragons for every misfortune.   Farmer- Suse has an angular face, with white hair and light blue eyes. She wears modest garments and an iron amulet. Suse is perceptive but antagonistic.   Merchant- Robern has blonde hair and sharp brown eyes, and a matted beard. He wears plain clothing and a blue cloak. Robern is depressed and cynical.   Traveler- Anthol is a mercanary human man, who is common in appearance, with blonde hair and bright amber eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a bastard sword and heavy crossbow. Anthol is cultured and energetic.   Random- Hilip has a long face, with red hair and grey eyes. He wears well-made clothing and a wooden holy symbol.   White Lance: This pirate ship has a broad hull with silver dragonwing sails. The ship's master is a slender woman named Alyn, and it is crewed by fierce raiders. The ship is armed with a naval ram and a ballista. It was damaged by a dragonturtle, and is undergoing repairs.


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