Arnet- Aut-lona in Rassoran | World Anvil
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Arnet- Aut-lona

Description and History   Aut-Lona is an old elvin fortress that guarded the northern trade passages. It was abandoned during the collapse, then rediscovered by explorers from the Steelswords clan. In the years since, though it is marked as a stronghold and storage base, it is in actuality a prison where the Steelswords send those who need to disappear.   The structure itself is triangular in shape, made out of black stone, attached to a rocky cliff and jutting out into the water, creating an artificial harbor on the western side. It's walls are sheer stone, the ramparts nearly 80ft above the water with the only entrence or exit being a pair of large steel doors leading to the small docks area.   Important Characters   Warden- Ardin, a dwarven man, has a round face, with cropped copper hair and green eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a club and darts which he is fond of throwing at prisoners feet and laughing as they jump away.   Harbor Master- Kali is rugged in appearance, with uneven grey hair and blue eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a dagger. Kali seeks to atone for past sins, but sees no way out of his current situation.   Nysir of Clan Steelswords- Grand daughter to the guildmaster Aben Steelswords, she  is a firey redhead who is passionante and rebellious, which is what landed her here in the first place.    Sections   1st Floor-
  • Docks- 2 different docks both leading to a single platform, where ships are loaded and unloaded.
  • Store House- taking up the majority of the 1st floor and extending into the cliff itself.
  • Offices- 3 small offices where some paperwork is done.
2nd Floor-
  • Kitchens- a kitchen and several store rooms
  • Food Hall- a large hall where the guards eat.
3rd Floor-
  • Barracks- a series of rooms where the guards sleep, with one section set aside for the warden.
  • Armory- a large room filled with spears, swords, and armor.
4th Floor-
  • Prison- a series of about 15 cells centered around an open air triangular courtyard, with the ramparts exposed above where guards patrol. The back wall is a sheer cliff face extending another 50ft up to the bluffs above.  One cell has been converted and refurnished to house VIP prisoners (nysir).
5th Floor-
  • Ramparts- follow the top of the wall, with a guard post at the two corners connecting to the wall, and the East Tower securing the final corner.
East Tower- a lighthouse and guard tower, an additional 20ft tall built at the corner of the fortress overlooking the harbor and the sea beyond.   Other NPC's
  • Prisoner- Homes Wyson, a prolific smuggler the Black Maiden caught several months ago.
  • Prisoner- Virdon, a halfling from Granlow, former adventurer who had his business taken over by Afton Lyne, and was caught by Thrawn campaigning against the Steelswords.
  • Prisoner- A fire giant woman named Constantce, former right hand to Delross in the city of cinders captured during a raid.
  • Guard- Epher, burly human man, equipped with a large spear
  • Guard- Berctio, angry and cruel dwarven guard equipped with a large club and stortsword.
  • Guard- Sueta, human woman using a spear
  • dock worker- Undin, a dwarven man
  • servant- Orin, a young dwarven man recently transferred here to work.
Black Maiden- a small and fast schooner, with the wood and sails painted black. It is a dark runner smugling ship, used by the Steelswords for their more nefarious operations at sea, and operates out of Aut-Lona. 
  • Captain- Urund is courtly in bearing, with auburn hair and green eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a long sword and dagger. Urund has a raven named Bari that is usually perched on his shoulder. 
  • 1st Mate- James Pycey, a young human, talented navigator and rather uncomfortable with the things he has seen and heard but too afraid to speak out or quit. 
  • Crew- Thilas, human man
Possible escape Plans-
  • possible to climb the cliff from the prison yard, but would be exposed to any guards looking from the ramparts. 
  • could climb down the side, but would face wind and the slippery walls.
  • Sneaking through the different levels down to the docks, encountering several doors that would need to be unlocked and patrols that need to be bypassed. 
  • Would need to collect their things, or have them smuggle to them, or leave them behind. Items are located in the armory. 
  • Finally, no matter what need to acquire transport out of the island, most likely by taking the Black Maiden. 


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