The Hallasholm Treaty Document in Ranger's Apprentice Universe | World Anvil
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The Hallasholm Treaty

Document Structure


A force of Araluen archers are to be based in Skandia. They are regularly rotated back home to Araluen and replaced with a fresh garrison.   The Skandians cease any large scale raiding of coastal villages in Araluen. Small, individual raids are still allowed. However, Oberjarl Erak Starfollower greatly discourages the of the raiding of Araluen villages, ensuring it will almost never happen, though it isn't a part of the treaty.   Another, more recent clause states that a wolfship will be stationed on the coast of Araluen every year, at the disposal of the King. in return the King pays the Skandians a commission and grants favorable trading items to them.

Historical Details


The Battle of Hallasholm was a battle in the ongoing Skandian-Temujai Wars. It was fought nearby the capital of Skandia, Hallasholm, between a Temujai invasion force and the Skandian defenders, who were assisted by a group of Araluen allies which included Princess Cassandra of Araluen herself. The battle led to a Skandian and Araluen victory, and The Temujai retreated back to the Eastern Steppes. After the battle the Treaty of Hallasholm was signed, declaring the peace and alliance between Skandia and Araluen.


The treaty was founded after the Battle of Skandia. Ranger Halt O’Carrick initially suggested. Princess Cassandra of Araluen agreed to sign on behalf of her father. Newly elected Oberjarl Erak Starfollower agreed to the proposition, and signed the treaty.

Public Reaction

This treaty was a pivotal moment in the history of the two countries, enabling them, for the first time to live in peace.


King Duncan of Araluen sometimes receives complaints from Gallican and Iberions diplomats as the Skandians continue to raid the coast of those two countries whilst leaving Araluen alone. He points out that they could always pay the Skandians not to raid.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Ratification Date
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)


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