Pipeweed and Smokeleaf Material in Rakuen | World Anvil
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Pipeweed and Smokeleaf

Pipeweed is one of the most commonly disturbed and used drugs throughout the known worlds. It comes from a variety of different plant types, and has a variety of different manufacturing methods given the style of pipeweed being made. But all are generally the same goal: a product to be smoked to induce a relatively small, practical physiological sensation.   The words pipeweed and smokeleaf are very frequently interchanged in colloquial speech. The general distinction between these is that pipeweed will lack a psychotic element, whereas smokeleaf will contain the psychotic element. A simple distinction would be tobacco, which produces sensations but lacks a psychotic element, and marijuana, which produces a sensation with the psychotic element. However, this is the only distinction often made, and individuals in practical conversations will frequently overlap the two terms.   Pipeweed is generally distinguished by the methods used in the creation of the substance by the race that invented the production. They are also both colloquially referred to by their racial production method to help distinguish them.  
  • Human Pipeweed - This variety features nicotine bearing plants, and are primarily grown on large fields of arable land by humans. Human Pipeweed is smoked, chewed, and snorted, providing nicotine to the body, giving a numbing, recreational sensation to users.
  • Halfling Smokeleaf - This variety features a variety of cannabis bearing plants. Although these are frequently grown on Halfling arable fields, the cannabis plants are very common throughout the world, and often grow as weedy, thick plants without much agriculture required. The actual creation of the usable drug was most commonly found in Halfling hovels and hamlets. The drug produces a euphoric, happy sensation, and is generally very valuable for recreation and medicinal use.
  • Dwarvish Pipeweed - This variety features a mixture of nicotine and low doses of cannabis bearing plants. These ingredients are usually grown outside of a Dwarven colony, and imported for mixing. This drug produces both a happy, euphoric sensation, as well as a numbing sensation. Dwarvish Pipeweed is generally used as a productivity enhancement; the cannabis produces a mood boost, while the tobacco presents a slightly painful, numbing sensation, which can aid against pain from strenuous labor, or aid in focus. Dwarven Pipeweed is most valued for individuals working long shifts, especially night shifts.
  • Elvish Smokeleaf - This variety features a mixture of (usually) 2:1 cannabis to nicotine, with an inclusion of Ambrosia skin. Although Ambrosia skin is usually consumed with the fruit, sometimes the skin is reserved for smokeleaf; it is dried, dehydrated, and then finely diced and mixed with the smoke mixture. Elvish Smokeleaf provides a stable feeling of euphoria. This allows for a long, steady high, with few psychotic downsides. Additionally, many Elvish Smokeleafs are combined with various other flavors, giving an extremely wide variety of taste profiles. Additionally, Elvish alchemists are very exact in their science behind Smokeleaf production, allowing for exact mixtures and varieties of strain for the exact recreational effect the user wishes to receive.
  • Tiefling Pipeweed - This variety features a mixture of nicotine and floral or herbal remedies, primarily healroot. This creates a general sensation of numbness and alertness. Although Tiefling Pipeweed is generally looked down upon as unpalatable, it has been found to have many numerous pain-relieving effects. It is frequently prescribed by medical experts and clerics during long, painful recoveries (such as broken limbs, amputation or curse recovery). Additionally, Tiefling Pipeweed's various floral mixtures give it a wide variety of tastes, making it a fun as a recreational activity. Tiefling Pipeweed is traditionally consumed via hookah or other water-filtration smoking implements.
  • Orcish Pipeweed - This variety features a mixture of ground betel nut, tobacco, and lime, which is smoked. It presents a very strong numbing effect, which is also fast acting due to the mixture of lime. The sensation is almost almost deadening, especially felt on the face and skin, giving a strong numbing sensation throughout the whole body. Pipeweed is generally seen as a positive vice in Orcish culture, and is often given as a reward for successes in battle, or generally consumed for recreation. Medicinally, it is a fantastic painkiller, particularly for flesh wounds. Recreationally, Orcish Pipeweed is popular throughout all cultures, especially when combined with alcohols, as it limits the sensation of drunkenness, and gives a sense of focus even when deeply inebriated.
  • Orcish Smokeleaf - This variety includes a 2:1 mixtures of cannabis and tobacco, which also incorporates lime and ground betel nut. This presents a mind-numbing, psychotic effect, giving the user a sensation of deadness or lack of physical sensations. It is fast acting, and often provided in Orcish battle kits to be used during lulls in long battles and sieges to boost morale and reduce pain. However, the inclusion of ground betel nut retains the users consciousness, allowing them to keep their wits and wisdom, and not suffer the normal degrading effects of cannabis.
  • Tabaxi Smokeleaf - This variety includes a heavy dosage of unique strains of cannabis-bearing plants. Tabaxi physiology requires larger dosages of Halfling Smokeleaf to create the desired euphoric effect. As a result, Tabaxi colonies have bred unique strains of cannabis plants that have higher cannabinoid content per microgram. This allows Tabaxi to have a "normal" reaction to cannabis smokeleaf. However, Tabaxi Smokeleaf is renowned throughout the world as the premiere recreational cannabis variety. It is rare, more expensive, but also the strongest of all smokeleaves. Imbibing results in extreme euphoria and perception enhancement. It is also been shown to produce less instances of psychosis, leading to less "bad highs" by users, giving it very few negative qualities.
  • Snakeleaf - This variety is made by Yuan-ti, and includes a strain of smokeleaf similar to Tabaxi Smokeleaf, but also includes Flake. This mixture enhances the normal qualities of Flake, giving extreme euphoria, followed by a low-level, lingering euphoria brought on by the cannabis. Snakeleaf is very rare, and also very expensive, but popular in recreational communities for its very strong physiological effects. Due to the inclusion of Flake, Snakeleaf is extremely addictive.
  • Rustweed - This variety is made primarily by goblinoid communities. It includes a large dosage of nicotine-based plants mixed the chitin from Rust Monsters. This mixture is said to provide an extreme form of deadening sensations from the nicotine, with a distinct pleasure sensation, and feeling of wakefulness. However, the mixture also is extremely noxious to most other humanoid races, and causes extreme fits of coughing. Rustweed is addictive, even among goblinoids, and causes a variety of negative health effects over time, primarily in the lungs.
  • Gobleaf - This variety is a mixture primarily of cannabis-based plants and tar (usually from peat or pitch), with an additional mixture of random alcohols, materials, and chemicals. The substance itself is very random and chemical in its production, with no distinct recipe, as each different tribe would likely have their own recipe. The result is a smokeleaf that causes both euphoria and a low-level pain throughout the nose, mouth, neck, and lungs, as well as sensations of confusion and consciousness loss in the mind. It has also been found to be a psychic prohibitor, causing temporary psychic deafness. Goblinoids typically use this for recreation and as a mood stabilizer, especially for severely injured individuals or amputees. Broadly, Gobleaf is often sold as an exotic material (usually in black markets), or worse, is sold as an extremely cheap and dangerous form of smokeleaf. Illicit selling of Gobleaf are usually marketed as Orcish Smokeleaf, playing off of racial anger.


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