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"On the Continued Worship of The Vestiges in the Land of Ezo"


A detailed account of the various lifestyles, practices, and historical relevance of Ezo, its society, and culture in the contemporary world.

Document Structure


Each volume of the piece explains a different piece of Ezo and Yamato culture. Volumes exists for history, the local pantheon worshiping The Vestiges, warfare throughout the years, culture throughout past and present, with the final section regarding personal views of the author on his time living in Ezo.


The author frequently cites the Kojiki, an ancient Ezo text that dates back to the Second Age.

Publication Status

This document is publicly available and widely distributed throughout the Orient, being a best-seller in places where it is allowed for sale. Although it is generally seen as distasteful in The Confederation, it is also still available - although less so - both as an important historical document of the region, while also used as a source for anti-Ezo propaganda by the government of The Confederation.

Historical Details


The Occident and the Orient are two very different spaces, now separated by the Zahren, a massive inland sea of blood that divides the continent, and isolates the small nation of Bastion, a consequence of the end of the Fifth Age. While travel across the massive landmass of the Kohlm continent was difficult before the end of the Fifth Age, it was certainly easier than present day, where ventures would require the tribulations of the dangerous travel through many distant political lands, then across the horrors of the blood sea, and then once again overland to the opposite end of the continent. Furthermore, as travel across the true ocean is incredibly dangerous due to its massive size and horrific beasts within its depths, ventures which might be more efficient are otherwise abandoned as foolish. As such, the venture is rarely taken, resulting in communication from the most distant ends of the continent being extremely rare, with information traveling very slowly over this space.   This document's value stems from its creation by a scholar of the Occident having traveled across the world to the Orient via airship, the safest means of travel. Serving alongside envoys from the west, he left his position within the royal courts to live and travel around the Orient, documenting its culture and travels from an Occidental perspective in a way that rarely left the region.

Public Reaction

The public, particularly in the Occident, reacted to this publication very favourable. Rarely was such a detailed account of distant lands presented, especially without the requirement for translation, and one that goes into as much depth and analysis as this.   In the Orient, the text was received extremely well by those in Ezo and Formosa, as the explorations of the history of the region detail both of their cultures at great length in ways only their own historians had done. Seeing their own cultures from an outside perspective allowed them to view themselves as if through a mirror, and they praised the educative experience, hoping to encourage more travel and communication with their Occidental counterparts.   The Confederation, however, finds this piece incredibly distasteful, as it supports a worldview that their government fundamentally disagrees with, as they vow for manifest destiny upon the eastern seaboard of the Orient. Opalesce also has previously questioned the publication, largely due to what they believe are inaccuracies that stem from a misunderstanding of history, although many cite that Opalesce is producing their own national bias from their cultural heritage that dates back to the Fifth Age.
Manuscript, Historical
Authoring Date
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