Lariat Character in Rakuen | World Anvil
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Freedom. So it's freedom you seek? Many do, and many fail at attaining it.   So who are you? Weak or strong? Ready or not? Because freedom demands readiness. Freedom is a tough card to play. It's one that you can't take back easily. You either lose or you win freedom; there are no in-betweens.   So who are you? A slave? A vagabond? A ne'er-do-well? A prisoner? Doesn't matter to me, I see you all the same. You're a mortal. Nothing more and nothing less. And you'll be treated as such. You're not special. You're weak a frail, and yet strong and mighty.   So who are you? Weak and frail? Or strong and mighty? You have to pick. You have a million lifetimes to pick, but you can only choose one, just like the rest of us: weak and frail, or strong and enduring. Me? I think you can tell what I chose. But we're not talking about me. We're talking about you. I want the best of you. I want you to release the shackles of this mortal realm. I want you to be everything you can be.   But that's not up to me. That's up to you. So which is it? Who are you?

Divine Domains

Minotaurs and Abolition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lariat was bound by duty. Bound by chain. bound by the whip. No longer.   A long life of suffering and strife. A long life of doing what they were told. No longer.   Many things can be said of a slave. Weak. Feeble. Obedient. No longer.   Lariat is the rope redefined. He is the rope as a whip, and the whip as a tool. A tool of the oppressors to be redefined, reclaimed. One who takes the rope of those who roped them, and to use that rope to beat the evil out of anyone who seeks to claim another mortal as their own.   To minotaur, Lariat is worshiped as a monolith. He is seen as a god of breaking free of traditional bounds, a rejection of the monstrosity that inhabits them, and a rejection of humanoids unkind acceptance of that which they don't fully understand. He is also a bastion for the downtrodden, one who seeks out slaves in need of aid and saving, and seeks nothing but the tearing of ropes and breaking of chains.   Lariat is very popular with Orcs, Tieflings, and Dragonborn. Many humans also worship endearingly. Some Elves also value Lariat, as a form of resistance against Elven Hegemony. Although Lariat often fall on deaf ears, he is one who still stands up in defiance, disregarding those who would tell him otherwise. This gives his people strength.
Divine Classification


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