Rain heart Jakharo meets the Rainwinds pack

Jakharo meets the Rainwinds pack

Military action


Jakharo reaches Rainwind territory and finds himself in a battle. Because he sees a young boy in the fight, he defends him and helps Rainwinds win. The leader of the Rainwind patrol, Agherr, later greets him and invites Jakharo to go with him to the pack's Home and meet his father, Alpha Agheran.

As Jakharo crosses the Rainwind border, he discovers a group of wolves has ambushed a smaller group in a gorge. He is about to leave the place when he notices there's a kid in the smaller group, and when he thinks about Heko, Jakharo is unable to leave him behind. He jumps into the battle and helps Rainwinds defeat the Moonlight ambushers. When the last Moonlight flees, Agherr of Rainwinds, leader of the patrol, thanks Jakharo and invites him to meet his father, Alpha Agheran of Rainwinds.