Rain heart Jakharo travels back to Little Waterfall

Jakharo travels back to Little Waterfall



After the storm, the pack shelters some outisders for a couple of days. One of them talks about a pack that uses steel weapons in the South, and Jakharo, scared of being still chased, goes back to Little Waterfall to get information. There, he meets young Reirü, an urban wolf.

A couple of loners look for shelter in the forest after the storm, which has killed their daughter. Having lost a son himself, Jakharo allows them to stay for some days until they're recovered. This angries Daichi, who spats that there are enough outsiders in the pack already. The male, Asris, speaks about a violent pack far South that uses steel weapons, and Jakharo immediately thinks about the Meteor Clan.   He can't allow the Clan to know he is still alive and has a pack of his own, so he leaves the pack in Nuva and Dacko's hands and travels to Little Waterfall to gather information. There, he saves the life of a young urban wolf called Reirü and convinces him to accept some food. He also asks Reirü about the Clan, which he has only heard vague stories about.   When he meets some other urban wolf kids, Jakharo remembers all the children that have died because of him and his own Heko (both of them), and, as he still has Erik's appartament's keys, he offers Reirü a place to stay if he gathers the others in the next days. Reluctantly, the boy agrees.