Patriarch Rank/Title in Rai | World Anvil
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The Patriarch or Matriarch is the highest position in the Rai Realms. The Patriarch is the elected ruler of the Realm and serves for life.      

Rulers of Soll

1st: ...
2nd: Phannall Mithr (777-1640)
3rd: Elarian Dawn (1641-2058)
4th: Isendon Skoll (2058-2628)
11th: Alariel "Alari" Flamer, called the Flameheart (ca. 7314-7411)
12th: Felix Flare, called the Avenger (ca. 7411-7640)
18th: Serren Sunvale (????-9761) 
19th: Eldrak Blader (9761-10,161)
20th: Eryk Dawn (10,161-currant)  

Rulers of Nhal

1st: Navael the Matriarch
2nd: ...
3rd: June Twilight
6th: Sini Ednyn, called the Sea Snake, sacked Port Mithr and took Isondor and Isander during the early Great Wars.
7th: Jain Twilight
11th: Nekran Darkhand, nemesis of Alari Flameheart, killed by Felix the Avenger
12th: Derek Banefire, took the name Banefire after killing Alari Flameheart, killed by Felix the Avenger
13th: Juno Twilight
20th: Rhyn Vane, known as the Undefeated during the Great Invasion, only remembered as the Defeated
21th: Narun Nartyon
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Alternative Naming
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