Session 41 & 42 - Did You Mythal Me? & Trial of the Centuries Report in Raan | World Anvil

Session 41 & 42 - Did You Mythal Me? & Trial of the Centuries

General Summary

With the most recent changes in Urveth, a message has been received by the mayor that Lord Cadok's control of Tonbarony is being disputed. Seems that Sir Ser Soris du Cornak auf Urveth Auroch has a previous claim to the environs surrounding Urveth, including portions of the Capulus Viscounty and the Barony of Tonbarony.   As such, Cadok has been subpoenaed to appear before the court of the land. And are those ... lizardmen with powdered wigs?!?!

Table of Contents

Today, the Chaos Marked dealt with an incredibly dangerous enemy. A lawyer!

Quetzyr (Harvest) 1, 2260

Having successfully created a new layer of the Feywild, the group was settling in and checking out the environs in what Cadok had named Errant Haven. After accidentally teleporting yet-another dying patient to the hospital within Tonbarony -- in Errant Haven this time -- along side Lamurias and Nimue, Vanilla appeared to tell them that there was a visitor who had arrived with a subpoena (not that Vanilla use the right word first, but that's not her fault) for Cadok to appear in Roderick for a lawsuit. Roused from their reverie, the group headed to the Mayorial Banor in Urveth.

Arriving there, the group was faced with a strange man by the name of Sir Ser Soris du Cornak auf Urveth Auroch (what a mouthful). There Cadok and company found a claim on both Tonbarony and the Capulus Barony.

Cadok has unlawfully annexed land duly claimed by the Greater Empire of the Lizard Folk of Suul. Both Tonbarony and Capulus must relinquish 227 hectares and pay restitution amounting to 12,347,841 gold.

After dropping this particular bombshell, the lawyer retired to accomodations, and the group began to research and discuss what to do about this. Unbeknownst to the group, however, a creature was left behind invisibly who was listening in to the group discussing things!

After Lanasia discovered this creature, it teleported away, but not before the group could begin their discussion of exactly what the lawsuit was really about. Their opponent (Sir Ser Whats-His-Butt, as Biri called him) had been tipped off that they had deciphered the legal jargon and decoded the actual facts of the case that lie within. Cursing this, but determined to investigate the veracity of these claims, the group discussed who should head out and do what so that they might individually each attack one of the many points of contention.

Refuting Evidence

First out of the gate was Lanasia, who put her Crafting skills to the proof by examining the flagstones of the Capulus Estate building. Finding that they were all made of the same stone, and being able to confirm with proofs that the stones were extremely recent (within the last five years, and thus absolutely impossible to have been made by the Suul Empire) she poked the first hole in Ser Whats-His-Butt's case.

Archibald -- a scribe and accountant working for Cadok -- and Cadok's mother Arabella joined forces to assess any statute of limitations and whose legal claim was the earliest. Thanks in part to Biri's legal document library and some excellent sleuthing skills, the pair was able to definitvely find that the earliest valid claim was by the Goloma, NOT the Suul Empire! Thus was the second large hole poked in Ser Whats-His-Butt's case.

Meanwhile, Hubaqaal was researching jurisdiction. Able to make use of some of Archibald's and Arabella's findings, Hubaqaal was easily able to determine that either King Zenaly had proper dominion of a land that had lay fallow for over a century, or the oldest claimants were the Goloma; neither of these were the members of the Empire of Suul. Another hole poked in Ser Whats-His-Butt's case.

Osburne was in charge of taking a good look at a cairn which was supposed to be present on the Capulus estate, specifically in the vineyards, and found that because of the composition of the hillside, a cairn that had been erected there would have literally slid right off the hill as the land was incapable of supporting its weight in the absense of the vineyard, which had existed for less than five years. Another hole poked in Ser Whats-His-Butt's case.

Ferrus had the job of determining the veracity of a certain stonework that was said to be Suul and existed in Tonbarony, but was easily able to find the stone in question: on half of it was east of Tonbarony, and the other half of it was west of Tonbarony. So even if it WERE Suul -- and it was indeed not -- this proved literally that Tonbarony was not on land marked as claimed, it had created new landmass and pushed the other landmass apart. Yet another hole poked in Ser Whats-His-Butt's case.

However, not to be outdone by his peers, Cadok made use of his copious resources to research their enemy: Sir Ser Soris du Cornak auf Urveth Auroch. Bending his capacity to Hobnob, and marshaling his entire entourage, and making no small number of shameless requests, Cadok and company was able to find out that the lawyer who had admonished Cadok not to commit any crimes that might invalidate any evidence he might find had indeed committed at least one MAJOR crime by collecting the blood of ancient Suul and using it to transform some lizardfolk. Not only this, but the information was gathered in a record time of less than an hour, and resulted in the size of Cadok's entourage growing from 9 to 17 people. With this, every point of contention that COULD be argued as part of the case had been properly refuted.

With this copious amount of evidence gathered, the group discussed their next moves. After deciding that offering the lawyer lavish accomodation would allow them to keep a better eye on the man, Cadok set about to monitor things while the other members of the group got a good night's rest.

Quetzyr (Harvest) 2, 2260

In the small hours of the next morning, before even the stars were chased from the sky, Cadok watched as their legal opponent received his advanced clockwork assistant -- turns out the man wasn't just a lawyer, but also an Inventor -- and bade him to travel to set their minions in motion for machinations most foul. Noting this, Cadok roused his group. Now freshly rested, they tailed the advanced clockwork assistant to a group of Gimmerlings.

These hardy creature proved to be quite difficult to take into custody for the group, who was forced to inflict a LOT of damage to take even one down. In the midst of this, the group was also able to petrify one. Exhausted after blasting, whirlpooling, lightning bolting, and just plain beating on the Gimmerlings, the group triumphantly dragged all four gimmerling prisoners for arraignment and interrogation. With the creatures in lock-up and their erstwhile employer none the wiser that they had all failed to accomplish their mission, the Chaos Marks wended their weary way home.

Report Date
16 Mar 2024


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