Session 35 - Sidequest Report in Raan | World Anvil

Session 35 - Sidequest

General Summary

Lanasia has evaporated in a startled puff of smoke, the sun -- which had been unraveling -- is now throwing off massive flares at random that would be suicidal to try to approach through, and the Chaos Marked are contacted by their friends back home. Resources are needed, can the group please procure these rare comestibles to help the folks back home?

Today's session report comes from the notes of Cadok

Raan Into Darkness

But there is no Rest for the heroes, when the Extermination Point glowing high up in the Halycon starts to glow more and more, before spreading flares across the countryside. Lanasia sadly could not assisst, because of a summoning by a Wizard on a diffrent plane yanked her away. But The Chaos Marked are no Strangers to Rscue operations and managed to evacuate the population into the Fortress. Once more though, they are called to help. Through Vanilla and her contact to her family, they learn that People in Tonbarony and Urveth became sick and needed immidiet help with a specific medicine. Which could be found in the forests of the Halcyon, which would have been difficult to reach in time, if it were not for Osburne's and Hubaquaals expertise in Traversing wildnerss. Leading them swiftly to a place where the sought plant is growing, made them encounter wildlife and a Witchfires of all things, planning on destroying these intruders. All they managed though, was knocking Vanilla unconcious, which was not appriciated. Cadok smitted all who dared harm his allies and family.

With that dealt though, a quick conversation was made with the intelligent Flora, which held the medicine to cure the sickness spreading back on the material plane, which was successfully achieved.

Cadok was quickly able to get Vanilla and Sir Milo with the gained medicine to Tonbarony, assuring that it arrived there swiftly.

Now nothing stands between them and trying to fix the literal Outsider burning up reality around them...

Report Date
22 Dec 2023


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