Session 34 - Resurrection Sickness : Final Fight Report in Raan | World Anvil

Session 34 - Resurrection Sickness : Final Fight

General Summary

The Lords of Neverwhere have revealed the Dread Duthorex's hiding place and close in for the kill. Or do they?

Today's session report comes care of Zirmek, the Mighty!

In Media Res

We return back to the Lords of Neverwhere, continuing to figbhting the servants of the Dhuthorex, the remaining Gug and a couple of Driders. But that was interrupted by a Timequake. Xian was swiftly taken away but replaced by a very surprised Ingred, who quickly rushed in to heal Togalt, who was still beating the Gug and the Drider to a pulp with his new Sword. A Sword made out of supernatural material. Specifically Abysium.

Abysium is not a healthy material for living beings to be close to, so slowly the sickening presence of the weapon weakens the Barbarian. So to help him out, Zirmek throws Emerald Thirst via Telekinisis at the Gug, to quickly get the weapon to him.

While on the other side of the Room, Shaded Grove was dueling with the Drider, until he felt a vile presence behind him. THe Dhuthorex, still behind a wall, wanted to influence the battle in the Driders favor.

Feeling cornered, Shaded Grove who still had his Mirror Images up, decided to cast enough spell, Blink, to let him phase through reality. It worked quite well for that, but not before accidently teleporting the Magus out of the building, out of the Sight of everyone.

Sam continued blasting down the Gug, with flaming magical rounds, blasting literal holes through its unnatural body. While Zirmek harrassed both groups of enemies with conjured crystals,slashing their flesh.

The enemies were weak and as soon as Togalt reclaimed his magical Greatsword, a giant swing sealed the Gug's and Driders Fate infront of him. The remaining Drider still looking for Shaded Grove got stabbed by him through a hole in the wall.

With all its Minions fell, the Dhuthorex emerges from behind the noew fading barriers, and starts to grow. Larger and largeer, becoming huge, the size of a House. But the Lords of Neverwhere saw that the Wounds from the last battle were still on the beast, so they fought on. But each time they hurt it, it seemed to heal, the Wounds filling with magical flame, the same color as the fire in the Altar part of the Temple the Lords of spotted last time.

The Dhuthorex menaces the Barbarian, even eating him. Sadly for it, Togalt still had the Gift out of the Depths made of Abysium, and now the Dhuthorex was sickend as well, which made it more managable, as Togalt kept beating it. Through the rest of the party blasting it and Ingred and Zirmek keeping Togalt alive in the jaw of the beast, it fell.

But it did not die, the magical Fire kept healing it, so the party had to always hack on it, to make sure it stays unconcious. Something Togalt gladly did, remembering very well how often it tried to eat him. But while smashing into it, he notices something weird in his maw. Shaded Grove assisstet the Monster Hunter with his academic knowladge and soon they figured out that this was a Door of some kind? Which when opend blasted those infront with biting cold which rended flesh, so Togalt immidietly closed it again.

While in the meantime, Zirmek approaches the magical flame, and discovers that this is a Demiplane, filled with the Winter Court. That Door inside the Dhuthorex was its connection to this realm, siphoning from its power to stay alive. Which has the Winter Court quite in a uproar, they were made in anger.

Not getting much further, Zirmek decides to cast Soothe at the Demiplane, hoping that it would counter some of the madness which succeeded. So Zirmek has a long conversation which the party only heard Zirmek's side as he screamed at Fire.

He managed to cast Soothe on a unwilling Scion of the Winter Court, Cloris the Heart-Ripper, who may not like the Winter Court, but also didn't want to remain stuck in there.

He would assisst the party as best he can, if they find the Key needed to get inside the Demiplane, without getting shredded by the Eternal Winter surrounding it.

With that, the Guards were called to Mine the Dhuthorex to death periodically, which they gladly did.

The Lords of Neverwhere return to the Kitsune Temple, finding that some of the still awake Kitsune fell unconcious, but thanks for their defeat of the Dhuthorex, it was no longer activily infecting any of the comatose Inhabitans, which allowed Puprika to dispel the magical sleep on them, awakening them all.

The Kitsune praised the Lords as their Heroes, but they knew this was not over. How would they get the Key for the Winter Court? And would they have to fight the maddend Wardens against the Eldritch Nightmares?

Report Date
07 Oct 2023


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