Session 28 - SQUIRREL?!?! Report in Raan | World Anvil

Session 28 - SQUIRREL?!?!

General Summary

The Chaos Marked have found where they need to go to recover the Shards of Eld. What awaits them there? And what will they do with the shards once they return? Can they still treat with the Queen of Summer, or will they need to find another path?

Our session report comes from the journal of Cadok!

At least, after the squirrely distraction dissipated...


Into Darkness

The Chaos Marked are doing their last preperations to head into the JUngle to find the Fey Artifact, to locate the Winter Court. Cadok grabbed the lawbooks Mayor Biri Truefang gave him, to enforce the Law on his land, and since the Feywild portion of Tonbarony is also his land, and he also is not going to come up with a seperate Law overnight, he is just going to translate them into Sylvan, so that he can use that for his guardians over there once he has that established. Osburne has gathered hundreds of Squirrels from the Feywild to cover his duty in the kitchen, even recruiting a Dire Squirrel, just like Lamurias!

Then it was revealed that Dire Squirrels were mostly extinct during the Shattering, Lamurias surviving by being underground during it, and the other Dire Squirrel by fleeing in the Feywild. And with meeting another of his kind, Lamurias excuses himself to talk with Nimue about his personal Crisis, while the Chaos marked head into the Jungle, via the hovering Carriage pulled by the Star-Raptor Star Tusk.


Draconic Ambush

Osburne guided Star-Tusk through the Jungle through his vast experience with it and his attunment to the wild. Which alerted him to a danger approaching, letting the group halt. They assumed it is a Drake ambushed, so Hubaqaal wildshaped into a small lizard, to scout ahead, hoping he would not be seen as a worthwile meal by the Ambushers.Which he didn't and to his luck, apparantly 2 young Forest DRAGONS were waiting to pounce the party. One of which spoted the lizard Shaped Druid, and simply flicked him away with its tail to a nearby tree. The Rest of the party blissfuzlly unaware of the true danger, besides a flying Lizard.

Which didn't hold out long, because while the party was setting up to fight (mostly Cadok trying to get Star-Tusk out of the Harness) and approached them. The very perceptive Ferrus spotted one of them and decided to start the fight, and with a bang. Shooting a Fireball into the jungle, luckily misssing the transformed Hubaqaal still in the tree.

Lizards don't duck well; good thing Ferrus had excellent aim!

From there a fight broke out, with Osburne showing of his at this point Trademark Stormmagic, hurling lightning at them. Lanasia using her small stature and invisiblity to ambush the Dragons in return. Ferrus continues to blast the dragons, until one of them through teleportation closed in very fast with our Summoner, forcing Cadok to face of with it, to procect Ferrus. And getting viciously mauled by the somehow magically enhanced Dragon.

But despite the odds, the Chaos Marked prevailed, and through Osburnes knowladge, discovered the way one of the Wood Dragons was using such powerful magics. It had devoured? a huge piece of Chlorophyte, the Crystal attuned to Primal Magic. And thanks to Cadok's medical knowladge he has rapidly been increasing, they managed to extract it, not safely, but they both avoided being diseased through cheer Toughness.


The Rest

After that, they decided to head away from the huge corpses, not wanting to camp near 2 huge piles of fresh meat and make camp elsewhere. Hubaqaal again shows his Power over the Earth, by creating a small cave, big enough to fit the entire party+Carriage inside. giving them a semblence of cover, and dry ground to sleep on. After discussing who would take what shift, they took their rest, which was peaceful...

Until Hubaquaal noticed something wandering around their cave, and his attempts of threatning it, was rewarded with a hit to the shin. Stepping into the light, the Visitor was a fabled Bush Guardian, which Osburne immidietly recognized and started to converse. The Bushguardian, maybe thankful for them taking care of the Dragons, decides to stay with the Group for the rest, teaching Osburne of the surrounding dangerous, and as the morning came, summoned a Feast worthy of Heroes!

Bush Guardian by Vampeloth, on an original by Lilliputian
Report Date
03 Sep 2023


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